Master in Risk management in sanità e nuove frontiere: PNRR e DM 77/2022
Online Italy
12 Months
Full time
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EUR 2,250 *
Distance Learning
* per tutti gli altri richiedenti la quota di iscrizione è di € 1750
Key Summary
Ideal Students
The course is aimed primarily at medical managers, staff of healthcare professions, staff of professional technical-administrative structures, the NHS and private structures, as well as freelance professionals in the sector.
The course is aimed at training, with an integrated theoretical, methodological and operational approach, risk management operators in healthcare and hospital companies, in line with the dictates of law 24/2017 (Provisions regarding the safety of care and of the assisted person, as well as in matters of professional responsibility of those practicing healthcare professions).
In particular, the aim of the course is to analyze and transfer knowledge and skills regarding the safety of care and risk management in healthcare:
a) with reference to the changes taking place in the national health service and regional systems (demographic and epidemiological dynamics, innovative organizational models, etc.);
b) in the different perspectives of planning, management control and project management;
c) taking into account the legal, medical-legal and insurance aspects of medical liability;
d) providing operational methods and tools for systemic risk management in the healthcare sector.
The course will be delivered exclusively online, pursuant to the interministerial decree of 17 April 2003 and related technical annex as amended by the Ministerial Decree of 15 April 2005, according to the "digital lesson" model adopted by the UnitelmaSapienza University, via the e-learning platform of 'university.
E-learning teaching includes audio-video lessons from teachers, metadated and indexed, integrated with the relevant teaching materials that can be downloaded online. The student will be able to follow the lessons whenever he wants - 24 hours a day as he wants - PC, tablet, smartphone - in the chosen mode - video/audio video, audio-streaming/MP3 downloading.
The use of the teaching modules is mandatory. In order to access the intermediate tests and obtain the qualification, it is necessary to attend at least 75% of the lessons for each module.
In the "Module 0" noticeboard of the course, on the online platform, students will find all the information relating to the course.
For certification purposes, tracking is only done in audio-video mode and not for MP3 download.
Intermediate tests
The knowledge and skills acquired will be verified through 3 intermediate tests and the preparation of a final project work.
The intermediate tests (three, one for each part of the master's degree) are made up of essays (10-15 pages) on a topic that the student chooses from those covered in the course and within the specific part of the course itself.
Project work, final exam and title
Project work (study, experimentation, research) is a complex and structured activity that includes the planning and implementation of field research aimed at applying the knowledge acquired on concrete cases. The choice of the topic of the final paper must be made with reference to the master's modules in accordance with the methods defined by the Master's Director.
The case study is described from a theoretical, methodological, technical and operational perspective, using simulation and case solution methodologies and techniques. The final paper will then be subjected to evaluation by the Commission for obtaining the master's degree. The vote will be expressed in one hundred and tenths.
The final evaluation must be completed within the 12th month from the date of enrollment on the master's course and will take into account the result of the intermediate checks evaluated out of thirty.
Course program
The Master's program is structured as follows:
- Module I: General Aspects, Planning and Management of Healthcare Systems (10 CFU - Ius/09 - Secs-p/07)
- Module II: New Scenarios of the NHS Organization, Clinical Governance, Management of Change and Pnrr (20 CFU - Secs-p/10, Secs-p/07, Ius/09, M-psi/06, Secs-p/08)
- Module Iii: Risk Management, Quality and Safety of Care, New Challenges of the Pnrr and Ministerial Decree 77/2022 (20 credits - Ius/05, Ius/09, Secs-p/07, Secs-p/08)