Master in International Cooperation, Finance and Development - ICO
Online Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 1,600
Distance Learning
Key Summary
The Master's degree, entirely in English, aims to provide knowledge and experience for professional development in the public and private sectors, with particular reference to central and local government bodies, consultancy companies operating internationally, and agencies non-governmental and international. For those who already have a reasonable knowledge of the English language, the Master also provides the opportunity to improve their language skills.
The Master aims to offer in-depth training in international cooperation and development economic, increasing students' skills and critical approach for a contribution significant to the management of public and private initiatives in the context of cooperation international.
The Master, in particular, focuses on issues relating to the development and growth of both countries emerging and developing countries, as well as depressed areas of developed countries. It also offers expertise in the planning and management of international projects. The focal point of the Master is the understanding of the processes of social change, economic development, globalization, and international trade within political, cultural, and economic contexts.
Duration and organization of the Master
The Master has a duration of 1500 hours for 60 CFU of which 600 hours of teaching activity, however structured (lessons, exercises, group work, intermediate tests, application projects, webinars, essay final, etc.), and the remaining ones are dedicated to individual study.
Ideal Students
Those who hold a bachelor's degree and a master's degree pursuant to 270/04 can access the Master's degree and specialist degree ex 509/99 and old system degree or equivalent foreign qualification. Participants in the Master's must have a good knowledge of the English language.
I Level: 60 ECTS
Main contents
- History of political development
- Development economics and finance
- International economic policy
- Human rights and humanitarian legislation
- Governance for development
- Quantitative models for international policies
- Developmental anthropology
The master's degree in English will be delivered exclusively online, under the interministerial decree of 17 April 2003 and the ministerial decree of 7 May 2004 (Establishment of the University), according to the "digital lesson" model adopted by UnitelmaSapienza University, via the e-learning platform of the university: audio-video lesson integrated with documents, indexed, used by the teacher, audio MP3 streaming/downloading.
The student will be able to follow the lessons on their computer, on their tablet, and smartphones whenever and wherever they want, 24 hours a day. Teaching takes into account the need to develop not only knowledge but also to use it in professional tools and behaviors, with the following characteristics: project activities in the field aimed at verifying the ability to apply methodologies and techniques in real situations; testimonials and case studies (corresponding to 60 hours of lectures).
Attendance at the Master is recorded by the tracking system available on the platform of the University compliant with the legislation establishing online universities. During the course, intermediate written tests (checks) will be carried out, in the form of essays or essay quizzes, for each teaching or section, which will be evaluated with a vote out of thirty.
There is also a 24-hour orientation module, divided into 10 video lessons, dedicated to the evolutions of the youth and international market, the new legislative instruments of active policies, business creation, and self-employment, individual placement skills (CV processing, techniques selection interview, etc.) to continuing training courses.
Section One: “History for Development”
- Module I: The history of political development (SPS/02; 6 CFU)
- Module II: International relations and strategies (SPS/02; 4 CFU)
Second Section: “Economics for Development"
- Module III: Economic growth and finance for economic development (SECS-P/01; 8 CFU)
- Module IV: International Economic Policy (SECS-P/01; 7 CFU)
Section Three: “Human Rights for Development”
- Module V: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IUS/13; 5 CFU)
- Module VI: Governance for development (IUS/14; 5 credits)
Fourth Section. “Evaluation for International Politics”
- Module VII: Quantitative methods for international politics (SECS-S/05; CFU 4)
Fifth Section. "Anthropology"
- Module VIII: Developmental Anthropology (M-DEA/01; CFU 4)
Orientation Module
- New legislative instruments of active policy: from internship to self-entrepreneurship
- Evolution of the labor market. Active search
- New active policy tools: orientation services
- Evolution of the labor market: the skills that count
- Continuous training courses: between the formal and the non-formal
- New active policy tools: validation and certification of skills
- The CV and cover letter
- The selection interview and assessment
- Listening, understanding and relating: the importance of communication
- The 10 skills of individual placement: my professional project
Program Outcome
Employment prospects
Those who obtain a Master's degree will be able to have employment prospects in the academic world, in the public and private sector, including central or local government, NGOs, and international agencies.