Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Management Delle Organizzazioni Pubbliche e Sanitarie
Rome, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 2,300 *
* per tutti gli altri richiedenti la quota di iscrizione è di € 850
Key Summary
The course is divided into three curricula, in order to propose a diversification of training courses that takes into account the specificities of the sector of central public administration, health companies and local public bodies: three realities which - although sharing a common matrix, linked to provision of public services – tend to be increasingly characterized by a series of significant peculiarities of a regulatory, organizational and cultural nature. The distinction between the three curricula is based on the different slant that is attributed to the various courses to adapt them to the specific needs of the three sectors and on the inclusion of some dedicated courses, which allow for in-depth exploration of topics of particular interest for each of the three reference areas.
The course starts from the first year in which the basic economic, statistical-quantitative, legal and decision-making and organizational processes courses are concentrated, providing the student with useful elements for the knowledge and analysis of the system of public and healthcare organisations.
The second year is characterized by the characteristic teachings of an economic-organizational matrix and decision-making processes, with particular emphasis on the aspects of governance and management in public administrations, as well as the elements of taxation, digital administration, sociology and psychology of work and organizations.
At the end of their studies, graduates are put in a position to understand the dynamics that characterize the functioning of public and healthcare organizations and to contribute in roles of responsibility to their management, with particular reference to the following aspects:
- definition of strategies and policies within organizations and in the territory;
- evaluation of the framework of constraints and opportunities linked to the regulatory framework;
- design and management of organizational models;
- design and management of innovation processes;
- organization, management and evaluation of human resources;
- valorisation of investments for the digitalisation of processes;
- qualitative and quantitative analysis of performances.
Compilation of the study plan
To obtain the qualification, the student must acquire 120 CFU, by passing or validating the exams (both those compulsorily included in the plan and those chosen by the student), further training activities, stages and internships and the final exam .
To complete the study plan, the student must choose the “optional choice” exams and/or the “student chosen” exams. After having identified them, the student must communicate them to pianidistudio@unitelmasapienza.it so that they can be included in his booklet.
Description of the assessment methods
The evaluation of students, through performance checks (exams), takes place in person, at the University headquarters or at the Teaching Centres.
Students regularly enrolled for the first time in the Unitelma Sapienza study courses can only take the exams starting from the 45th day following matriculation/enrolment; this provision applies to all new students, even if they transfer from other universities.
Through the exam, the student's achievement of the training objectives set by the individual courses is ascertained. The final learning evaluation methods are described in the relevant Syllabus.
The grade is expressed in thirtieths and the examination commission, by virtue of the student's special merits relating to the in-depth study of the subject, can award honours. To pass the exam and acquire the university credits corresponding to the subject being examined, the student must obtain a grade of no less than eighteen out of thirty.
Regardless of the method of carrying out the exam, the recording will be carried out online (digital recording) exclusively by the President of the examination commission.
Before the start of each academic year, the University publishes the calendar of all exams, referring to the same academic year, with the related exam sessions at the central office and at the decentralized offices of the University's teaching centres.
Program Outcome
The Master's Degree Course aims to train those who intend to undertake managerial and managerial careers or in any case hold roles of responsibility within public and healthcare organisations. To this end, the course aims to promote the development of a profile of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills ranging in the economic, legal, political, sociological, statistical and IT fields, necessary to effectively manage the typical decision making and problem solving processes of complex organizations. Furthermore, it aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of the public policy system, in order to enable graduates to know:
- analyze public and health policies and their implementation problems (policy analysis);
- monitor the implementation of public policies (policy monitoring);
- measure and evaluate the effects produced by the policies implemented (policy evaluation)