Corso di Laurea in Scienze Dell’amministrazione e Della Sicurezza
Rome, Italy
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 850 *
* per tutti gli altri richiedenti la quota di iscrizione è di € 2100
Key Summary
In particular, the course is divided into three curricula:
- Curriculum A "Administration and organisation" is aimed at training managers and executives of the Public Administration and large private organisations, not only in the methodologies and techniques of public management but also of e-government, in support of innovative processes aimed at creation of a modern administration, professionally suited to address all the problems of the information society and participation, with reference to international, community and national policies and directions;
- Curriculum B "Organisation, security and investigations" focuses on issues relating to the security and investigations sector for public and private administrations, introducing elements of criminology, criminal law, criminal procedural law and sociology and legislation of security and social psychology forensic.
- Curriculum C "Administration, economic professions and organisations" adopts a multidisciplinary approach which, by integrating knowledge from the economic, legal and social sciences, aims to train employees in economic professions in the accounting, fiscal and taxation fields and in business management.
Connections between teachings
In the three curricula there are common teachings, however the discussion must be articulated and it is necessary to first distinguish:
“Administration and Organization” curriculum – it is necessary to consider, first of all, the teachings belonging to the same area of knowledge.
Given this, having regard to the legal disciplinary field, it is certainly advisable to tackle, first of all, the study of the teaching of Institutions of Private Law , considering that passing this exam certifies the understanding of institutions of the so-called common law (think of contracts, obligations, the concept of fulfillment, damage and compensation, nullity, etc.), involved and applied, for example, in the Labor Law exam. The learning of this last teaching is then further facilitated by having previously taken exams such as Administrative Law and EU Law , because they allow the student to become familiar with the national and international system of sources and powers. In turn, studying the Tax Law of Public Bodies course is easier after having taken the Administrative Law exam.
As for the socio-psychological disciplinary field, it is equally recommended to initially undertake the study of the Social Research Methodology exam, which allows the student to acquire basic concepts also for the study of other subjects in the same field (e.g. Sociology organization and human resources ).
The three economic exams ( Economic Policy , Public Accounting and Economics and Management of Public Services ), due to their autonomy and complementarity, lend themselves to study in succession. As well as the evident affinities in the terminology used and in the institutes studied in depth, albeit from different methodological perspectives, it may prove productive to study in a contiguous or partially contextual manner some subjects specific to different fields such as Sociology of organization and human resources and Labor law or Administrative Law and Administrative Science .
Curriculum “Organisation, security and investigations” – it is necessary to consider first of all the teachings belonging to the same area of knowledge.
Given this, having regard to the legal disciplinary field, it is certainly advisable to tackle, first of all, the study of the teaching of Institutions of Private Law , considering that passing this exam certifies the understanding of institutions of the so-called common law (think of contracts, obligations, the concept of fulfillment, damage and compensation, nullity, etc.), involved and applied, for example, in the exam of Commercial Law or Labor Law . Learning this last exam ( Labour Law ) is then further facilitated by having previously taken the Administrative Law exam, which allows the student to become familiar with the constitutional system of sources and powers. In turn, the study of the teachings of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure allows the student a quick and safe approach when it comes to declining specialist disciplines such as Theory and technique of public and private investigation and Criminology.
As for the socio-psychological disciplinary field, the student can choose whether to undertake the study of the general Sociology exam, which allows the student to master the basic concepts of the sector, or to dedicate himself to the more specialized aspect of organizational Sociology and of human resources. Finally, due to the evident affinities in the terminology used and in the institutes studied in depth, albeit from different methodological perspectives, it may prove productive to study in a contiguous or partially contextual manner some subjects specific to different fields such as Social and Forensic Psychology and Theory and Technique of Public Investigation and private or Criminal Law and Criminology .
Curriculum "Administration, professions and economic organizations" - it is necessary to consider, first of all, the teachings belonging to the same area of knowledge.
Given this, having regard to the legal disciplinary field, it is certainly advisable to tackle, first of all, the study of the teaching of Institutions of Private Law , considering that passing this exam certifies the understanding of institutions of the so-called common law (think of contracts, obligations, the concept of fulfilment, damage and compensation, nullity, etc.), involved and applied, for example, in the exam of Company Law and International Trade Law, or of European Union Law and the Internal Market . Learning Labor Law is instead facilitated by having previously taken the Administrative Law and Local Autonomy exam which allows the student to become familiar with the national system of sources and powers.
The three economic-business exams ( Business Economics, Business Auditing ), due to their autonomy and complementarity, lend themselves to study in succession. As well as the evident affinities in the terminology used and in the institutes involved, albeit from different methodological perspectives, it may prove productive to study in a contiguous or partially contextual manner some subjects specific to different fields such as Sociology of organization and human resources and Labor law i.e. Administrative and local autonomy law, administrative science and analysis of public policies .
Compilation of the study plan
To obtain the qualification, the student must acquire 180 ECTS credits by passing or validating the exams (both those compulsorily included in the study plan and those chosen by the student), further training activities and the final exam. Students regularly enrolled for the first time in study courses at Unitelma Sapienza University can only take exams starting from the 45th day following enrollment; this provision applies to all new students, even if they transfer from other universities.
To complete the study plan, the student must choose the “optional choice” exams and/or the “student chosen” exams. After identifying them, the student must communicate them. so that they are included in his booklet.