Master's Program in Business Administration
Tbilisi, Georgia
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2025
USD 4,000 / per year
The aim of the program is to provide the graduate with deep and systematic knowledge based on the modern and latest trends in the field of business administration, to develop the ability to independently conduct research using the principles and standards of academic integrity, to contribute to the improvement of knowledge and practical skills for making managerial decisions and to deepen the importance of social responsibility and corporate ethics norms/principles to have an opportunity to work as a medium and high-level manager, both in local and international companies.
In order to earn a Master’s degree in Business Administration, student is required to collect 120 ECTS, which includes:
- program core courses - 84 ECTS
- rest of Master’s Program in Business Administration - 36 ECTS
Program Outcome
Learning Outcomes
- Thoroughly and comprehensively discusses the contemporary concepts, techniques, theories, and models of many functional business management areas.
- Using basic marketing concepts, critically and persuasively explains the features of the company's strategic planning, components of the marketing plan, target markets, the overall strategy of the firm's positioning, and the company's means of communication.
- Analyzes the company's profitability while keeping accounting concepts, assumptions, and principles in mind, by using cost accounting concerns and development of financial statements while adhering to accounting and ethical principles.
- Analyzes company development prospects, trends and critically and persuasively evaluates business strategies and major managerial economic challenges.
- Makes final decisions using quantitative methodologies, statistical data analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation procedures.
- Conducts research independently using academic integrity principles and standards and presents (oral and/or written) research results, findings, arguments, and conclusions to both the academic and professional community and stakeholders.
- Considers ethical issues that arise during the course of managerial activity.
- Analyzes risks affecting business in a free market system.
- Determines further learning and development needs independently.
- Understands and values the value of social responsibility and business ethics norms/principles.
Program delivery
- Verbal Method
- Demonstration Method
- Discussion/Debate
- Team Work
- Case study
- Study based on the problems
- Study based on the projects