Master in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Tbilisi, Georgia
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2025
USD 4,500
The goal of the educational program is to prepare a specialist with relevant advanced skills that are essential in the areas of quality control, drug discovery, and pharmaceutical chemistry, who will possess a deep and systematic knowledge of principles and theories of Chemistry and practical skills of synthesizing organic compounds. Upon completing the program, the graduates will be able to be employed at different medicine companies and other private and state organizations in the positions of drug producers, and quality controllers.
Program Details
In the field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, the student performs research work, writes papers, critically analyzes a scientific article, chooses news and prepares projects, and makes presentations of the obtained results. Candidate should present his/her view of research topics and show appropriate research and communication skills.
To obtain a Master's degree, a student must
- Complete 120 ECTS, which includes 100 ECTS from mandatory subjects and 20 ECTS from electives.
- Submit a scientific paper following the requirements.
Program Outcome
Knowledge and understanding
A broad knowledge of chemistry and pharmacy and a high qualification in pharmaceutical chemistry and its development, enable the student to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical field.
Systematic knowledge of drug synthesis, drug testing, drug development, and validation of analytical methods.Advanced skills required in quality control, drug discovery, drug design and development of high-quality pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, and modern analytical methods.
In-depth knowledge that enables students to work effectively in the pharmaceutical industry.
Responsibility and autonomy
- Ethical attitude towards social, academic, or national factors and values;
- Protection of the balance of interest of the parties;
- Independent consistent and multifaceted evaluation and self-evaluation of one's learning process;
- Continuing the learning process independently through the acquired knowledge;
- Understanding the peculiarities of the educational process and planning strategically;
- Development of technological innovations in the professional field and continuous improvement of one's knowledge/skills.
Program delivery
- Lecture-seminar;
- Demonstration method;
- Using of audio-video learning material;
- Interactive classes;
- Research production;
- Exercises oriented on solving of the problems;
- Critical analysis;
- Group exercises;
- Literature review;
- Presentation;
- Project;
- Verbal method;
- Practical work.