BA in English Philology
Tbilisi, Georgia
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2025
USD 3,000
The program is in full compliance with the university mission – “to be engaged in the process of knowledge production and person’s education. Here we imply the cultivation of liberal-humane values among people and their provision with the necessary knowledge and skills requisite to success using honest labor “.
The bachelor program of the English Philology provides the students with the knowledge meeting the modern standards of the humanitarian thought and equips future marketable professionals with the extensive knowledge of the philological and adjacent fields. The program provides the graduate with the opportunity to continue studies in the adjacent specialties. The mentioned opportunity is provided by academic staff and educational components integrated into the program.
Program goals
- provide the graduate with the knowledge of the conceptual apparatus of linguistics and literary studies, methodological and theoretical foundations, the structure of the English language, the historical dimensions of the English language and the characteristics of British culture, the specifics of the relations between language, thought, society, culture and literature, the concepts and theories of linguistics and literary studies, peculiarities of the development of literary genres;
- introduce the regularities of the history and development of English and American literature;
- develop the skills for applying the communicative strategies relevant to the competent use of the English language, comprehending and producing structured complex oral and written texts adequately by considering the basic principles and standards of academic writing style (APA), performing adequate communicative actions in various communicative contexts, as well as for formulating and presenting one's own critical opinion on complex issues;
- form the skills for adequate perception and use of relevant grammatical norms and vocabulary for the independent use of the second European (compulsory optional) language;
- mold the skills for the adequate use of learning, teaching, and assessment strategies, methods, and approaches;
- develop a sense of responsibility for one’s professional development by adhering to the ethical norms and standards of academic honesty in preparing one’s works (abstract, small research, bachelor's thesis (mandatory elective)) and representing the results.
The Bachelor program (English Philology) of the School of Humanities at the University of Georgia allocates 240 ECTS credits needed for gaining an academic degree in English Philology in the following way:
240 ECTS are distributed in the following way:
- 174 ECTS - Core Subjects of the Program;
- 12 ECTS - Compulsory Optional Courses (2 Compulsory Optional Courses – each 6 ECTS = 12 ECTS)/Bachelor Thesis (12 ECTS);
- 24 ECTS - Second European Language – Compulsory Optional Courses;
- 18 ECTS - Optional Courses;
- 12 ECTS - Free credits.
Program Outcome
Knowledge and understanding
- The conceptual apparatus, methodological and theoretical fundaments of linguistics and literary studies;
- The structure of the English language, the markers of historical dimensions of the English language and specifics of the British culture;
- The regularities in the history and development of English and American literature;
- Analyses and synthesizes the results obtained by applying the methods and principles relevant to the field of philology (the principles of phonemic and morphemic analysis; the method of transformational analysis; the principle of hyponymy; hermeneutical analysis of the text and the principles of literary criticism etc.);
- While producing clearly structured, complex oral and written texts in English, applies relevant communicative strategies, constructs relevant arguments and logically substantiates one's own critical views on complex issues, conducts adequate communicative activities in different communicative contexts;
- When producing oral and written texts in second European language, consistently describes the events, one's own experiences and impressions within the framework of a familiar topic with syntactically correct and well-developed meaningful sentences
Responsibility and autonomy
- Realizing the complexity of the field of English philology and adhering to the standards of academic honesty, takes responsibility for professional development by comparing, contrasting, synthesizing and representing the data in the papers prepared by him/her (term paper, small research, bachelor thesis in philology (compulsory optional).
Program delivery
- Workbook methods
- Explanatory method
- Demonstration method
- Interactive lectures
- Laboratory
- Individual and Group Presentations
- Individual and Group Project (small research)
- Search for the relevant material in electronic format or libraries
- Written work method
- Teamwork method
- Role play
- Case Study
- Field Work
- Verbal/Oral method
- Discussions/Debates
- Lecture -seminar
- Technology-based method