Winter Course in Russian Language
Tallinn, Estonia
3 Weeks
Full time
Request application deadline
13 Jan 2025
EUR 600 *
* regular course fee after 31 March 2024| EUR 550 for early-bird course fee until 31 March 2024
It is a well-established fact that the best way to learn a foreign language is to visit a country where it is spoken. Estonia’s historical connection provides students with one of the best opportunities to learn Russian in the region.
The teachers in the course are all native speakers of Russian and they all use the most up-to-date teaching materials. Furthermore, the course offers a real opportunity for genuine communication in Russian – while at the same time offering European standards of safety and service.
This programme differs from other summer schools located in Russia or Western countries since it offers a unique bridge to the Russian language and culture.
After a short written test, students will be divided into groups based on their initial proficiency in the Russian language. The number of groups depends on the number of participants, usually, there are 3-4 groups. Please note that participants in one group might have slightly different levels, more advanced students can ask for additional tasks.
Why this course?
- We use the most up-to-date methods and materials for teaching Russian as a foreign language.
- We combine the traditional approach to teaching Russian with the latest trends in this area. This allows us to make the studies as fruitful as possible for every single participant.
Ideal Students
The course is suitable for students of Russian at all levels, including complete beginners. It is ideal for anyone interested in the Russian language and culture and appreciates the combination of high teaching standards with a fascinating cultural programme.
The basic communication language is English.
Credit points
5 ECTS. The number of classes equals 60 academic hours (15 days of classes). Students are expected to attend 4 lessons a day. To get the summer school certificate, students have to participate in at least 75% of the classes and pass a test at the end of the course.
Timetable for language classes
From Monday to Friday
10:00 – 11:30 Language lessons
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:30 Language lessons
Intermediate and advanced students take a language test before the course starts. Beginners start with a language class.
NB! The timetable may vary depending on the group. On the first day of the course, all groups start at 10 am.
More language courses and workshops:
- Non-Dictionary Russian – Obscene Language
- Russian via Movies
- Immersion into Russian Culture: Traditional Tea-drinking at Dacha
- Estonian Language
- Introduction to Estonia and Finno-Ugric Cultures
- Non-Dictionary Estonian
- Academic Writing in English