Winter Course in Estonian Language
Tallinn, Estonia
3 Weeks
Full time
Request application deadline
13 Jan 2025
EUR 600 *
* regular course fee after until 31 October 2024| EUR 550 for early-bird course fee until 31 October 2024
Key Summary
Across the globe, millions of people can speak English, but only one million speak Estonian. The language is part of the Finno-Ugric group, related to Finnish and Hungarian. Tallinn University’s winter course in Estonian Language and Culture offers an opportunity to study an unusual and entrancing language, all against the backdrop of a well-preserved medieval city. The course aims to familiarize a wide range of international students with the Estonian language and the country’s rich culture, history, art and lifestyle.
Students will be divided into groups based on their initial proficiency in the Estonian language. The number of groups depends on the number of participants; usually, there are three groups. Please note that participants in one group might have slightly different levels. More advanced students can ask for additional tasks.
The courses will then foster skills at the following levels:
Beginner – students will develop basic Estonian communication skills and master day-to-day conversation. The course programme includes pronunciation practice, listening comprehension and easy communication.
Intermediate students will further develop their speaking, listening, reading, writing, and grammar skills. They should be familiar with basic Estonian structures. The course programme includes activities in various everyday life situations.
The languages of instruction are Estonian and English and course materials are distributed during the course.
Why this course?
- You can be one of the few people capable of speaking a very unique language, spoken natively by only about 1.1 million people.
- The course has a long history, as the first Estonian language summer school took place at the beginning of the 1990s.
- You will be able to find out if the Estonian language is one of the hardest languages to learn or if it’s just a myth.
Ideal Students
The course is suitable for students of all levels of competence in the Estonian language, from complete beginners with no practical experience to conversationally capable speakers. The three-week intensive course contains 60 academic hours of teaching language.
Credit points
The number of classes equals 60 academic hours (15 days of classes, 3 ECTS). Students are expected to attend 4 lessons a day. To get the winter school certificate, students have to participate in at least 75% of the classes and pass a test at the end of the course.
Timetable for Language Classes
From Monday to Friday:
10:00 – 11:30 Language lessons
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:30 Language lessons
NB! The timetable may vary depending on the group. On the first day of the course, all groups start at 10 am.
In the afternoons following language classes, specialised lectures and discussions will take place.
Further instruction outside of the winter period of the programme is available through a follow-up online course offered by instructor Mall Pesti.
More language courses and workshops:
- Estonian Language Online Course during the semester
- Non-Dictionary Estonian
- Introduction to Estonia and Finno-Ugric Cultures
- Russian Language
- Non-Dictionary Russian – Obscene Language
- Russian via Movies
- Immersion into Russian Culture: Traditional Tea-drinking at Dacha
- Academic Writing in English