University First Year
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Request earliest startdate
CAD 22,800 / per semester
Key Summary
What Is U1?
If you are also adjusting to a new place, a new culture, a new language, and new ways of learning, this first year is often very, very challenging.
The UT1 Year is designed with you in mind as we walk through this first year together.
What Is The U1 Year?
- It is the first year of your TWU degree (28 semester hours or more). You are a regular, full-time TWU student.
- Some of your courses are with other global students, and some of your courses are with Canadians
- All of your professors are TWU faculty with high qualifications
In addition to your full-time courses, you will also have a learning coach to lead you in your readings, assignments, writing, and more. In addition to a learning coach, you will also have an academic advisor to help you with all of your questions about courses, choosing a major, making good academic choices, and career options. When you complete U1, you are a second-year university student, and you can complete your university degree in the usual four years. Regular TWU undergraduate tuition rates apply.
What The U1 Year Is Not
- U1 is NOT an ESL program and it does not include any ESL classes. All of the courses are part of the regular TWU curriculum, including the liberal arts core and you're chosen major. U1 is NOT a separate school. The courses and grades are recorded on your TWU transcript as part of your degree. They are not identified as a separate program.
- Entering U1 does NOT mean that you need more time to graduate. You can graduate in 4 years or even less.
Learning Community
In a cohort, you begin the program at the same time and participate in some of your classes together. You will get to know other students and develop meaningful friendships.
You will also have the freedom to take courses of your choice each semester. These courses may be in your major or something you are interested in. You can begin to make friends with Canadian students in your major and still get help from your Learning Coach on your assignments, readings, and study skills
Parent Partnerships
If your parents want to come for a visit, we will arrange some activities for them, such as a chance for them to sit in on your classes, meetings with professors, and with the TWU President.
Most U1 students will live on campus, where you participate in dorm life with roommates from North America and many other countries. Your Resident Assistant (R.A.) and Resident Director (R.D.) will support you and help you as well. Our campus residences are separate for men and women for your privacy and safety. Dorm life at TWU is vibrant and exciting. You can go on a virtual tour here.
Learning Coaches
All students have a personal learning coach. You will meet your coach for one hour each week, with extra help available if needed. The coach will help you with your homework and assignments, such as grammar and vocabulary, research, reading, and planning. The learning coaches want to help you become independent and confident as a TWU student.
Ideal Students
Who is it for?
The U1 Year is for all global students.
You are a global student if:
*You are an international student.
*You are a recent citizen or permanent resident of Canada, and your previous education was not in English.
*You have grown up outside North America and have been educated in a different system.
*English is not your first language.
*You are not familiar with the Canadian academic English style.
ENGL 101 - Introduction to Writing
Guides students through the writing and research tasks of the university classroom in order to equip them with confidence and the ability to write in a variety of academic genres, including the research paper. Students expand critical thinking skills through reading and writing cognitively complex arguments while also exploring academic voice, style, and vocabulary.
ENGL 102 - Introduction to Literature and Culture
This course examines literature from a multicultural perspective. In comparing and contrasting works of literature composed in a variety of countries, students will gain cultural literacy, appreciation of universal themes, and understanding of the rich relationship between literature and its historical and situational context. In studying this material, students will develop their critical thinking, research, and writing skills. This course is recommended for students who have come from international contexts.
FNDN 101 - The Liberal Arts Journey
Students engage in inquiry and discussion of concepts underpinning a Christian liberal arts education; explore TWU's unique core curriculum and Student Learning Outcomes; practice strategies to confidently navigate their university journey, and develop an educational plan to guide their academic decision-making.
WRTG 101 - Writing and Culture
A preparatory course in academic writing, focusing on academic conventions, scholarly vocabulary and tone, and the development of cohesive arguments across the disciplines. While the tasks and assignments emphasize writing skills, the course also facilitates the growth of critical thinking skills through the thematic study of North American and Christian culture. This course is designed for students who have come from international contexts.