Online Diploma in Clinical Exercise
1 up to 2 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Request earliest startdate
EUR 3,640 / per year *
Distance Learning
* Non-EU students| EU students: €3,640
The Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise enables clinicians to prescribe exercise as a disease-preventative and treatment modality in a safe, effective, and scientific manner. The Diploma will go beyond the scope of the Certificate by teaching students how to critically appraise relevant literature, what is needed to conduct clinical research, and how to appropriately analyze data. There is also a practical element involved in the Diploma, as such students will learn and be examined on the practical skills needed to measure outcomes associated with clinical exercise prescription.
The P.Grad.Dip. in Clinical Exercise will be delivered over one year (full-time) or two years (part-time). Students will engage in material online but will also be required to come to the Exercise Laboratory in Trinity College Dublin for one week to complete practical classes and a practical exam.
Ideal Students
The programme is open to graduates from medicine, nursing, dietetics and nutrition, medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and physiology.
Scholarships and Funding
Academic scholarships for postgraduate international students are available at Trinity. Trinity rewards academic achievement and has sought to assist international students of limited means. Several scholarships are made possible by bequests and gifts that have been generously donated to the Trinity over the years.
- Global Excellence Postgraduate Scholarship
- AQ Scholarships
- Brazil Fundação Estudar Scholarship Program
- Haddad Foundation Brazilian Postgraduate Scholarship
- Brazilian Scholarship for Irish Studies - ABEI/HADDAD Fellowship
- China Scholarship Council
- Claddagh Scholarship Programme
- Comparative Social Change MSc Scholarships 2024/25
- E3 Balanced Solutions for a Better World Postgraduate Scholarship
- Energy Science MSc Scholarship
- Fulbright Scholars Programme
- Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme
- Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme
- Irish Research Council Scholarships
- Irish School of Ecumenics Scholarships
- Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme
- Jean Monnet School of Law Scholarships
- John Dillon Fellowship in Ancient Philosophy
- Loyola Institute Scholarships
- Mitchell Scholarship
- LPDP Scholarships for Indonesian Students
- Postgraduate Scholarship for Nigerian Students (Roger Casement Fellowship in Human Rights)
- Rachel Thompson Ussher Fellowship
- Reimagining Global Sustainability Postgraduate Scholarships
- Scholarships for Japanese Students
- Scholarships for MPhil in Race, Ethnicity and Conflict
- School of Law Scholarships
- School of Law and Trinity Business School - MSc Law and Finance
- School of Social Work and Social Policy International Postgraduate Taught Scholarship
- The Grattan Scholars
- The Hamilton Scholars
- Trinity – Intake Taiwan Joint Scholarship
- Victory Scholars Programme
Please contact us for more information regarding eligibility requirements, deadlines, and making an application.
This Postgraduate Diploma can be completed in one or two academic years and will be made up of 60 ECTS. Except one blended module, all course material will be online with some material presented in real-time (synchronous live webinars) and some material recorded for students to complete in their own time. All students will be required to have a computer with good internet access a microphone and a webcam.
Course Content
The Diploma in Clinical Exercise consists of seven modules: The Cardiovascular and Respiratory System; Physical Activity and Exercise; Exercise in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease and Exercise Prescription for Clinical Populations; Advancements in Clinical Exercise; Exercise and Metabolism; and Practical Applications of Clinical Exercise.
Students will be assessed through the timely submission of written work, the completion of multiple-choice quizzes and a practical exam. Marks will also be awarded for substantial relevant contributions to discussion boards and for engagement with online learning resources.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduates of this course have gone on to work in the health sector, in a public or private hospital setting, community health, occupational rehabilitation, private clinic, sport, and further education or research.