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Thomas More College Of Liberal Arts


The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts was founded to provide a solid education in the liberal arts, a Catholic education for students of all faiths, united in the quest for true, good, and beautiful. It pursues this mission by seeking wisdom and sharing it joyfully with the world.

The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts was founded to provide a solid education in the liberal arts, a Catholic education for students of all faiths, united in the quest for true, good, and beautiful. It pursues this mission by seeking wisdom and sharing it joyfully with the world.

The College holds that every human life, from the moment of conception until natural death, is sacred because the human person has been willed for his own sake in the image and likeness of the living and holy God. Man and his endeavors are worthy of our regard, interest, and study. Humanity and the human person's capacity are seen most clearly when viewed under the eye of eternity and the light of Revelation.

As a participant in the Catholic Church's educational mission, Thomas More College binds itself to the magisterial teachings of the Church, communion with Her authentic hierarchy, and fidelity to Petrine authority.

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  • Merrimack

    Manchester Street,6, 03054, Merrimack

    Thomas More College Of Liberal Arts