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Texila American University


Texila American University has been developing great minds in the field of medicine for more than a decade. Represented by a tradition of innovation and research, we’re breaking new grounds, pushing forward the boundaries of knowledge, and making an impact on our students’ lives. We wish to continue this tradition for a future that will define our work and recognition on the international stage.

Pushing forward the boundaries of Knowledge

Texila American University has been developing great minds in the field of medicine for more than a decade. Represented by a tradition of innovation and research, we’re breaking new grounds, pushing forward the boundaries of knowledge, and making an impact on our students’ lives. We wish to continue this tradition for a future that will define our work and recognition on the international stage.


  • To be recognized as a leader committed to excellence in higher education, research, and innovation that meets the aspirations of the global community.


  • To redefine and revolutionize international education by offering updated, modern, and excellent training in areas of Health Sciences, Information & Communication Technology, Management, Education, Applied Sciences & all possible areas that a learner seeks to engage with TAU.
  • To observe the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and compassionate care for students and the community at large.
  • To make Texila American University proud of being the most sustainable university in the world through creating, disseminating, and applying actionable knowledge.

Texila Values & Culture

“We achieve Excellence by captivating our integral value system”


We Value our customers as they are the center of our activities.


We value, engage, enthuse & reward.


We Value Leadership without a title.


We value Integrity, Transparency, Honesty & are Ethical.

Innovation and Creativity

We Value Innovation in Work & Creativity in Thought.


Our Actions Create Value for Stakeholders thereby Benefiting Community at large.

Global Growth

We value Sustainable Growth that promotes profitability to Fuel our Global Aspirations.

Accreditation, Affiliations, and Memberships

TAU Guyana

National Accreditation Council of Guyana

TAU is recognized by the Department of Education Via registration with the National Accreditation Council of Guyana.

Medical Council of India

TAU is recognized as per the Medical Council of India Act 1956 Section 13 (4A) & (4B). The university’s name can be checked on the MCI website.

World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS)

Texila American University is listed in the AVICENNA Directories which is a database of schools, colleges, and universities for education in health. It lists accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information on each institute.

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates

TAU is approved by ECFMG that evaluates the readiness of International Medical Graduates to acquire residency or fellowship programs in the United States. Graduates of Texila are eligible to apply and sit for any step of USMLE in fulfillment of the ECFMG certification requirements for US Residency Positions.

TAU Zambia

Higher Education Authority of Zambia

Texila American University is approved by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Ministry of Higher Education, Zambia.

Health Professions Council of Zambia

Texila American University is approved by the Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ) for offering medical and healthcare programs. Our MBChB and MPH programs are accredited by HPCZ.

Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Registered with Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI). Recognized by ZACCI – the leading private sector organization in Zambia that represents a huge network of companies in the country.

DBLP (Distance & Blended Learning Programs)

University of Central Nicaragua (UCN)

Texila American University in academic partnership with the University of Central Nicaragua (UCN) offers the Distance & Blended Learning programs.

International Association for Distance Learning

Texila American University is an accredited member of the International Association for Distance Learning (IADL). IADL was established to promote excellence in open, distance, and blended learning programs and offers system validation and recognition for course providers worldwide.

International Council for Open and Distance Education

Texila American University is an approved institutional member of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE). It is a leading global organization to enhance the quality of open, distance, flexible, e-learning, and online education.

International Centre for Integrity

Texila American University is a member of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI). ICAI works towards identifying, promoting, and affirming the values of academic integrity among students, faculty, teachers, and administrators.

The Global Compact

Texila American University has been added to the register of participants in the United Nations Global Compact Program.

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      • Georgetown

        Lot 24-42, Plantation, Providence, East Bank, , Georgetown

      • Texas City

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        • Bel Air

          C/O JTC, Suite 2004 Level 2, Alexander House 35 Cybercity,, , Bel Air

          • Lusaka

            Addis Ababa Drive,4, , Lusaka

            Texila American University