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Tecnológico de Monterrey


Tecnológico de Monterrey is the number one private, non-profit University in Mexico. Founded in 1943, the University has since grown to include 26 campuses across Mexico, with a flagship campus at Monterrey. Through educational experiences, we form people who become agents of change, willing to be even more competitive in order to benefit all, with a clear focus on being instead of having, on serving others instead of possessing things; people who are responsible for their own lives, aware of the fact that their actions may promote the transformation of others.

Why Learn In-Demand Skills at Tecnológico de Monterrey?

Our programs prepare students with the in-demand skills they need to advance or start a career in coding, data analytics, or cybersecurity. We combine a virtual classroom experience with dynamic curricula taught by experienced instructors. With extensive student support and a wide array of resources, we provide an education that will help you find a path to success.

  • Our classes teach the latest market skills* for the fields of coding, data analytics, and cybersecurity.
  • Both of our programs offer convenient part-time schedules for students who wish to stay at their current job while learning valuable new skills at night, which is great for adult learners.
  • Build a wide-ranging portfolio of projects or web applications to showcase your knowledge.
  • Access the Boot Camps career services to support your transition into web development or data analytics.

*The material covered in these courses is subject to change due to market demand.

These programs are offered through the Tecnológico de Monterrey in collaboration with edX.

About edX

edX, part of 2U Inc., works with respected universities and organizations to deliver innovative, skills-based training to a community of over 45 million learners around the world to support them at every stage of their lives and careers. edX delivers boot camps through an immersive learning experience with expert services and valuable resources. As of 2021, graduates have been hired by 6,700+ companies, including more than 62% of the Fortune 100.

  • Monterrey

    Avenida Eugenio Garza Sada Sur,2501 Sur, 64849, Monterrey

    Tecnológico de Monterrey