Sydney Missionary and Bible College
SMBC’s academic curriculum is founded on, and saturated in, the Bible - the inspired word of God. Study at SMBC will give you a deep and systematic understanding of the Bible, its theology and its application to all aspects of life.
SMBC’s academic curriculum is founded on, and saturated in, the Bible - the inspired word of God. Study at SMBC will give you a deep and systematic understanding of the Bible, its theology and its application to all aspects of life.
SMBC is interdenominational – lecturers, staff and students represent various denominational allegiances. There is mutual respect and understanding for differing viewpoints whilst holding to the heart of the gospel message. This, along with our international ‘flavour’, provides a diverse and healthy community to study in.
Cross-cultural mission is the very DNA of SMBC. With three missiologists on staff, weekly visiting missionaries, a missionary mentoring programme, the SMBC Biennial Missions Conference, plus a broad range of missions units, SMBC excels in preparing its students for ministry across all kinds of cultural boundaries.
- Croydon
Badminton Road,43, 2132, Croydon