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Stranmillis University College


Stranmillis University College has a long-established heritage and reputation for driving innovation and change in education. For almost 100 years, Stranmillis University College has been a center of excellence and innovation in shaping educational policy and practice through world-class educational research, scholarship, teaching, and career-long professional development for education practitioners.

Stranmillis University College has a long-established heritage and reputation for driving innovation and change in education. For almost 100 years, Stranmillis University College has been a center of excellence and innovation in shaping educational policy and practice through world-class educational research, scholarship, teaching, and career-long professional development for education practitioners.

We believe that education can have a transformative impact on the lives of children and young people, families, communities and society as a whole. To help build a better, brighter and more prosperous future for all, our teaching is best and ‘next’ practice focused, research and scholarship led and designed to support the development of outstanding workplace and community competence in every area of education.

  • Belfast

    Stranmillis Road, BT9 5DY, Belfast

    Stranmillis University College