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Stephens College Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting
Stephens College

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting

3 Years


Full time

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USD 24,586 / per year *


* 2023-2024 tuition; total direct costs: $40,172; total cost of attendance: $46,007

Key Summary

    About: The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting is designed to immerse students in the craft of performance. This program focuses on developing skills in acting techniques, voice, movement, and character analysis. Students will engage in practical training, including live performances and workshops, to hone their talents.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue careers as actors in theater, film, and television. Other opportunities include roles in directing, stage management, and producing, along with teaching drama and performance-related subjects.


Immersive, comprehensive, accelerated, and personalized — a program that will take you places.

Rigorous and highly immersive, the Acting program prepares students for their next role, whether it’s a position with a major national theatre company, a competitive MFA program, a fellowship, or an apprenticeship.

Program Features

  • Accelerated BFA program — three years/two summers (eight-semester program), including career-focused summer intensives.
  • A comprehensive professional summer stock theatre company experience, the only program of its kind.
  • A Summer Performing Arts Intensive that focuses on process and technique with classes taught by industry professionals.
  • Extensive performance opportunities (by audition).
  • Significant schedule of nationally and internationally recognized guest artists.
  • Focus on “the business of the business” — career/professional planning and individualized preparation for the audition process, master’s programs, and fellowships.



Career Opportunities

Student Testimonials

English Language Requirements

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