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St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia


The University of St.Gallen is offering Asia-related academic activities through its own subsidiary, the "St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia Pte. Ltd." or SGI in short.


As a subsidiary of the University of St.Gallen, the SGI institutionalizes the Singapore Hub. The SGI engages in research and educational activities.


The SGI fully complies with and endeavours to realize, for its share, the Vision of its parent University. The Vision of the University of St.Gallen stresses as aims to encourage intellectual openness for the questions of our world, to cultivate integrative thinking, and to encourage entrepreneurial spirit as well as the acceptance of responsibility.

Mission Statement

While the Vision indicates the general direction, the Mission statement of the University of St.Gallen mentions concrete virtues which the organization and the behaviour of researchers, teachers, and administrators should live by.

The Mission statement mentions trust and respect, constructive collaboration, coming together in a diversified world, the search for excellence, the encouragement of personal initiatives, and the aspiration of synergies. The Mission also mentions the importance of creating an inspiring infrastructure in which simple, unbureaucratic structures should allow internal specialization.

Concrete goals

The SGI internalizes this Vision and fully assumes its Mission Statement. In addition, the SGI has very concrete goals regarding research, education, and services, expressed as core areas of competency. The articles of the SGI further require to strive for excellence and to sustain reputation in these core areas.

Long record of academic activities in Singapore

The University of St.Gallen has a long record of academic activities and connections in Singapore. Exchange programs between St.Gallen and Singapore are mutually beneficial. Faculty from St.Gallen visits Singapore to teach and to do research. Likewise, professors from Singapore give lectures regularly in St.Gallen.

Furthermore, brisk contacts with local companies enable a variety of projects in which our students actively participate and contribute. At the same time, they offer our students opportunities to communicate with executives face to face, and learn from their business experience. In addition, the community of HSG Alumni in Singapore is large and dynamic.

Singapore forms the heart of ASEAN countries

Singapore, widely acknowledged for its enormous success in building a prosperous nation during the last 52 years, forms the heart of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Many Western and Asian companies and institutions have their regional and global Headquarters in Singapore. Singapore has developed its comparative strengths in fields of banking, health care, education, research, and tourism and strives for world-class quality and innovation.

Singapore: Anglo-Saxon business world and the dynamics of Asia

Singapore boasts an open, multi-ethnic culture, comprising both the Anglo-Saxon business world and the dynamic region of Asia. Young academics should not miss the opportunity to gain a hands-on learning experience in such a dynamic place, where American and British style meets the Asian speed of growth. For this reason, many other western universities have established contacts with institutions in Singapore, some even setting up campuses there.

Read more on the institution's website

EFMD Equis AccreditedAMBA AccreditedAACSB Accredited

  • Singapore

    110 Amoy St, #03-01, Singapore 069930, 069930, Singapore

St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia