Diploma in Management
2 Years
Full time
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USD 4,000 / per year *
Distance Learning, On-Campus
* USD$ 2,500 - USD$ 4,000
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
This program is designed to fulfil the associate membership requirements of the Institute of Management Specialists (UK) and to provide students a pathway to directly enter the second year or third year of a Bachelors program at a UK universities.
Diploma in Management (I) - OFQUAL Level 4
- Business Environment
- Resource Management
- Communication Skills
- People in Organisations
- Applying Promotional Techniques
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Finance for Management
- Customer Relationship Management
Diploma in Management (II) - OFQUAL Level 5
- Managing Communication
- Business Organisations in a Global Context
- People Management
- Finance for Managers
- Research Project
- Marketing Principles and Practice
- Planning a New Business Venture
- Business Law
Why Study a Diploma in Management (I or II) at SCPU Business School?
We provide a flexible, low-cost route for learners who have already achieved management qualifications at a lower level and for learners who do not have management qualifications, but may have qualifications in other areas and/or prior experience in the work place.
Due to the flexibility of the program it is ideal for students who wish to complete a UK Bachelors degree but study in their home country for the first two years.
$2,500 for each Diploma
Students successfully completing both Diplomas will be awarded a SCPU Business School - Associate Degree of Business Management.
Progression Pathways
Students wishing to continue their studies can then enrol directly into the SCPU - Business School Bachelor of Business Administration.
Students who wish to, can apply to continue their studies at some UK universities. As these qualifications are OFQUAL approved, UK universities will generally accept the credits awarded to students.
At this stage there are specific agreements with the following UK universities:
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Southampton Solent University
- University of Sunderland London Campus
- Northampton University
- Coventry University
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- Bolton University
- University of Bedfordshire
Please note that the UK Visas and Immigration Department (UKVI) requires adult students to have acceptable English language ability before they can apply to become an adult student under Tier 4 (General) of the points-based system. An applicant is required to be competent in the English language at a minimum of CEFR level B2 for a QCF qualification at level 6 or above.
There are also articulation agreements with some Australian and Canadian Universities.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.