St John's College
Our vision here at St John’s is to equip Christians for mission in a world of change. For more than 150 years we’ve pioneered innovation in ministerial training, and we continue to form disciples for front-line leadership through programmes that are context-based, integrated and relevant.
Our vision here at St John’s is to equip Christians for mission in a world of change. For more than 150 years we’ve pioneered innovation in ministerial training, and we continue to form disciples for front-line leadership through programmes that are context-based, integrated and relevant.
We have been delivering distance learning programmes for over 40 years and have a suite of high quality programmes from level 4 to level 7 through Common Awards validated by Durham University which you can study in your own surroundings and at a time which suits you.
Our roots are Anglican but we welcome students from a wide range of denominations, Christian organisations and networks…We’ll help you discern God’s will as you explore his call on your life, discover all that God has in store for you, and grow as a disciple of Christ. Our programmes can be tailored to your own ministry while helping you deepen your understanding of the gospel through learning, working and worshipping in community. You’ll develop your appreciation of theology, ministry and mission so that you can inspire others in their faith and vocation - to the glory of God, for the sake of Jesus, and in the power of the Spirit.
Our website will help you understand our vision and values, and to give you an overview of the different opportunities there are to train and study with us here at St John’s. Do check the different sections of the website for more information on the programmes we have to offer.
Do get in touch with us, we’ll be glad to answer your questions. In the meantime, we wish you every blessing as you continue to explore your part in the mission of God.

Vision and values
Our core purpose is to inspire creative Christian learning marked by evangelical conviction, theological excellence, and Spirit-filled life, that those who train with us might be equipped for mission in the world of change...
To this end, we are:
Biblically Rooted
St John’s is an evangelical college, although students from other perspectives and traditions are welcome. We value thoughtful and responsible engagement with Scripture and believe that our lives and ministries should be shaped by biblical understanding as we follow the crucified and risen Jesus.
Spiritually Alive
We expect God to work today and seek to cultivate a praying, worshipping community in which there is openness to God and to one another. We are shaped by the charismatic stream of Christianity as we look to share in the transformative work of the Spirit, both individually and corporately. These emphases are intrinsic to the rhythms of our life together.
Missionally Active
We are committed to holistic proclamation of the good news of Jesus, and all our students are actively involved in ministry and mission in practice. From our beginnings, we have sought to rise to the challenges and opportunities presented by social and cultural change, and we continue to listen to the cultures in which we live and respond with prayer, creativity and energy. In these and other ways we seek to live out the biblical motto chosen by our founders: ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel’ (1 Corinthians 9:16).
Academically Rigorous
While we adapt to meet the challenges of our fast-moving culture, we also maintain the theological excellence that has characterised St John’s since its inception. Our faculty are skilled and experienced educators who are also involved in research, writing and the practice of ministry in a variety of contexts beyond the college.
Relationally Committed
Community life is at the heart of St John’s and we value opportunities to connect with one another in College and in contexts beyond College, through worship, teaching and learning, as well as through eating together and socialising. We seek to create a hospitable culture and value the rich diversity of traditions, backgrounds, worship styles and experiences that characterise life at St John’s.
Actively Collaborative
We seek to work in partnership with churches, dioceses, denominations and networks as we serve God’s kingdom. These partnerships enhance students’ learning as we develop pioneering approaches to ministry and mission in the Midlands and further afield.
- Nottingham
St John’s College Chilwell Lane Bramcote Nottingham NG9 3DS, , Nottingham