Master's degree in Audiology
2 Years
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* free for full-time students from the Nordic countries or from the EU / EEA countries and Switzerland
Key Summary
For those students who have legal requirements for later admission to the master's program in audiology with pedagogical specialization, Master's programs in audiology - which will be offered from autumn 2020 - will be individually adapted so that the legal requirement for education in pedagogical audiology is maintained until 2022.
Here, your competencies are expanded, just as more emphasis is placed on scientific and theoretical aspects, and you learn how research can be combined with practice.
Through the study, you achieve increased independence, and you learn independently to put together a research course and to assess the quality of others' research.
Great freedom of choice at Audiology
In the master's program, it is possible to choose some of the subjects yourself, so that you can build up a greater knowledge within precisely the topics you are interested in.
At the same time, the education contains a project-oriented course, which can be a precursor to the thesis. Here you may have the opportunity to do projects in the research environments that exist within audiology at the university or together with companies in the Danish hearing aid industry. It gives you the opportunity to, for example, investigate your own ideas and projects in practice or evaluate existing practices through smaller studies.
You are responsible for planning the content of the course, and can partly decide for yourself which areas you want to prioritize, as well as how much weight you give to the theoretical and the practical, respectively.
The structure of the education
Below you can see a table of the placement of the subjects and ECTS distribution on the Master's programme. The subjects can also be arranged in modules, seminars, etc. This may cause minor changes in the number of hours.
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | Semester 3 | Semester 4 | |
The student can choose between the following electives: Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Morbus Ménière: investigation, graduation and teaching Advanced Audiological Measurement Methods Global Health | Master's thesis |
The item 'Content and course' is not part of the curriculum information, as this information is being continuously updated and is linked to the practical implementation of the course.
Career Opportunities
Job opportunities
With a master's degree in audiology, you are well placed in relation to the labor market because you possess both subject-specific skills and a scientifically based approach to practice. At the same time, you are qualified to be able to apply for the research route via a PhD scholarship.
The various job opportunities with a master's degree in Audiology are available in both the public and private sector:
- Public sector job opportunities:
- Hearing clinics/audiology departments in hospitals. There are audiology departments at all university hospitals and at other hospitals around the country.
- Communication centers.
- Private job opportunities:
- Private hearing clinics. There are hearing clinics in almost all major cities.
- Hearing aid manufacturers. There are 3 large companies in Denmark that produce a large part of all the hearing aids used worldwide: Oticon, Widex and GN Resound.
- Other companies that work with sound and hearing tests such as e.g. Interacoustics and Otometrics. Graduates in Audiology can apply for jobs in these companies.
- Hearing clinics/audiology departments in hospitals. There are audiology departments at all university hospitals and at other hospitals around the country.
- Communication centers.
- Private job opportunities:
- Private hearing clinics. There are hearing clinics in almost all major cities.
- Hearing aid manufacturers. There are 3 large companies in Denmark that produce a large part of all the hearing aids used worldwide: Oticon, Widex and GN Resound.
- Other companies that work with sound and hearing tests such as e.g. Interacoustics and Otometrics. Graduates in Audiology can apply for jobs in these companies.
As a newly graduated Master of Audiology, there are very good job opportunities both now and hopefully also in the future. The unemployment figures are very small.
There are audiological positions in both the public and private labor markets. Depending on your specialization, you will be qualified for different types of positions in addition to the possibility of applying for a PhD scholarship.
As a graduate in Audiology, you are particularly qualified to hold positions in the following areas:
- Graduates in audiology can perform executive and general functions in private and public hearing clinics.
- Candidates in audiology can perform professionally specialized functions and/or development functions in public hearing clinics. The work areas include performing various hearing tests on clients, selection and fitting of hearing aids, instruction in the use of hearing aids as well as follow-up on hearing aid treatment and Cochlear Implant treatment.
- Graduates in audiology can perform professionally specialized functions at speech hearing institutes or communication centers that offer teaching/treatment of adults with hearing difficulties, tinnitus and Morbus Ménière's disease as well as adults with Cochlear Implants.
- Graduates in audiology can be employed in sales, development and research functions in the private hearing aid industry, which develops and tests hearing aids and other hearing aids.
- Graduates in audiology can be employed in sales, development and research functions in the private audiology-measuring industry, which develops medical technical equipment for the hearing/measuring industry.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.