PhD in Management Innovation, Sustainability and Healthcare
Pisa, Italy
3 Years
Full time
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Key Summary
The PhD in Management - Innovation, Sustainability and Healthcare is a three-year training program leading to research activity in the public and private domains as well as managerial jobs in public and private organizations.
The Ph.D. program aims, to train students for academic and managerial positions in both public and private organizations. Particular emphasis is given to the management of innovation, sustainability, and healthcare management, and the linkages among these three topics. More precisely:
- The management of innovation processes and the competitiveness of firms and public institutions within regional, national, and international systems;
- The management of sustainability in public institutions, private companies, and wide territorial areas is specifically focused on resource efficiency management, corporate social responsibility, environmental policies, and circular economy. The Sustainability Management research group combines the knowledge with the principles of sustainability, through scientific research and empirical investigations
- The management of healthcare, which deals with the development of governance models, managerial tools, and performance assessments to support health professionals involved in the provision of care at all levels.
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships are for the duration of the relevant Ph.D. Programmes and confirmed annually upon admission to the following year by approval from the Advisory Board of the individual Programme. Ph.D. scholarships are awarded following the ranking order, except for scholarships linked to specific topics or research projects, which may be awarded to the first eligible candidate(s) identified by the Selection Committee.
The annual budget for each student comprises a scholarship of € 16,243.00 (€ 18,800.00 for the PhD Programmes in robotics and Emerging Digital Technologies), including social security charges payable by the recipient and paid in monthly instalments in arrears, and housing grant of € 2,200/year.
Scholarships cannot be combined with other scholarships for any reason whatsoever, except for those granted by national or foreign institutions, aimed at supplementing the student's research activities with visits abroad. Doctoral students who have previously received a Ph.D. scholarship in Italy, even partially, are not eligible for another Ph.D. scholarship.
The program deals with the main topics in management with a strong interdisciplinary approach and offers courses about consolidated and innovative research methodologies in social sciences. In particular:
- Management of Innovation includes topics such as Open Innovation, techno-transfer, cost accounting, finance for innovation, purpose-driven organisations, tourism management, neuro-marketing, the- technological innovation in healthcare;
- Sustainability Management combines the knowledge of business management and policy-making with the principles of sustainability, through scientific research and empirical investigations;
- Management of Healthcare covers a wide range of topics ranging from health policies, performance measurement, and innovative models of healthcare delivery and- organization, to the study of decision-making processes that guide the choices of both sustainability and healthcare are important assets.
Career Opportunities
The Ph.D. in Management offers the opportunity to acquire competencies that can be used not only for academic careers but also for many other knowledge-based jobs. Former Ph.D. graduates currently work in Italian and international Universities as well as in private and public organisa- tions, especially those for which innovation, sustainability, and healthcare are important assets.
Program Leaders
English Language Requirements
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Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.