Scuola Italiana Design (SID)
It is the educational department of the Galileo SCpA Scientific and Technological Park of Padua, an organization accredited by the Veneto Region for the field of higher education. Through SID, Galileo Science and Technology Park, it offers a three-year training course, the third year of which is recognized by the Veneto Region.
It is the educational department of the Galileo SCpA Scientific and Technological Park of Padua, an organization accredited by the Veneto Region for the field of higher education. Through SID, Galileo Science and Technology Park, it offers a three-year training course, the third year of which is recognized by the Veneto Region.
Scuola Italiana Design is a place for the expression of culture and experience, where concepts and tools together build knowledge.
The union between knowing how to think and knowing how to do is the direction in which the student is followed and valued from the first day of the course, through a unique relationship that binds him to the teachers, to the other students and to all the people who give life to the Italian School. Design.
We have a "systemic" approach to design, in which design is a path that develops from the analysis of needs to cultural and lifestyle changes, to the explosion of scenarios opened up by new technologies.
The designers who have studied with us know how to imagine, dare, create and create.
- Padua
Corso Stati Uniti,14, 35127, Padua