Sales Manager Akademie am Studienzentrum Hohe Warte
Corporate Philosophy
What you can expect from us:
- Competence
- Know-how
- topicality
The mission the Sales Manager Academy at the study site Hohewarte sees both
- the design and implementation of workable single seminars and diploma courses before and
- the offer of part-time university study programs to enable executives and dedicated staff appropriate career steps.
The diverse and flexible range-occupational education and training offers for people in diverse professional life Know-how transfer to all economic sectors. This is done in accordance with the Federal Ministry of Education and women propagated "Strategy on lifelong learning in Austria". The offer self-study centers' Hohewarte, "continuing to secure employment and competitiveness", coincides fully with this initiative. [1] In order to fulfill this vision, By continuing the Securing the competitiveness of employees and independent entrepreneurs contribute, the manager of the Sales Academy seminars and study programs offered at the study site Hohewarte be a constant evaluation and adaptation subjected. The continuous market monitoring and substantive needs analyzes ensure a timely exchange of practice-oriented teaching content.

training skills
The Sales Manager Academy at the study site Hohewarte can draw on nearly 30 years of practice in adult education. The signs of the times following, it offers a forward in the future management training on scientific, ethical and practical basis.
The training offer of SMA / SHW has evolved from the original range of individual seminars to courses and MBA studies as well as to university collaborations in the areas of dissertations and doctoral and bachelor programs
Know how transfer
The knowledge is state and can be immediately implemented in the workplace. Graduates benefit from the proven learning approach. The acquired know how it makes you fit for your next career move in companies and organizations or for independent entrepreneurship.
training objectives
The aim of the training is expressly practical training. Graduates receive the basis for a significant improvement of their professional skills and career opportunities in management positions.
Advantages of studying in SMA and educate yourself:
- Seminar group size of max. 12 participants
- Flexible study, entry at any time
- Further training seminar atmosphere incl. catering
- Free schedule for exams and project work
- Studying independently of time and place through blended learning offerings
- Speakers and lecturers with high professional competence and management experience
- Benefit from the expertise of your fellow students and their professional experience
- Networking in Graduates Club
- Vienna
Geweygasse 4A, 1190, Vienna