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S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) Post Graduate Executive Management Programme
S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR)

Post Graduate Executive Management Programme

Mumbai, India

21 Months

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Jul 2025

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Post Graduate Executive Management Programme

The emerging Business challenges require corporates to create a reservoir of versatile executives with a strong base of functional knowledge along with general management perspective.

SPJIMR's uniquely architectured Executive Management Programme is designed with a potential to address the above shortcomings and fills the gap of providing high quality management education to Practicing executives with minimal absence from their workplace.

SPJIMR's approach to major initiatives has been to formulate details based on definite and distinctive foundational premises.
For the Executive Management Programme, these are:

1. The conventional classroom mode of learning can be leveraged significantly through non-classroom activities- a belief borne out of successful practice of pedagogic approaches at SPJIMR with other programs.

2. Professional education can be best acquired by a two-stage process of:

1) acquisition of knowledge of theoretical concepts followed by

2) application of the concepts to real life situations

3. Formal management education needs to sensitise participants to appreciate that:

1) the bonus of learning in the ultimate analysis is mainly on the learner

2) the process of learning needs to be continuous throughout the career and

3) the sources and methods of learning are varied

4. Sponsoring companies need to have somewhat of a direct role in assisting the learning experience of the participant- positive gains being:

(i)wider spread of knowledge within the organisation

(ii) performance improvement resulting from Executive Management Programme action learning, Application exercises and Projects.

5. Effective management education for practicing executives needs to be contextual and hence needs to be customised vis-a-vis the organisation and the participant's specific role.

The SPJIMR Advantage

SPJIMR is not affiliated to any university and is completely autonomous. This status has given the institute the ability to utilize academic freedom to develop trend-setting educational programmes and pedagogic processes with long-term benefits for all stakeholders. SPJIMR also has entrepreneurial agility that has made it the only self-financed institute to be among the top ten in the country.

The guiding philosophy of SPJIMR is influencing practice, here and now and promoting value based growth. The Institute has an enviable track record of recognizing the needs of the society and quickly and aptly responding by offering high quality relevant programmes. And, to cap it all, SPJIMR has the locational advantage of being in Mumbai, the commercial capital of the country.


The programme is spread over 4 phases over a 21-month duration and would involve 60 full days of classes at our campus in Mumbai. The on-campus period is divided into contact periods as under:

a. Initial contact period of 3 days for the Orientation phase

b. 6 contact periods each of 9 days duration over the Foundation, Integration and Customisation phases;

c. Culminating contact period of 3 days for final exams and project presentation.

During the Contact days, participants will put in about 10 to 12 hours of study time. The intervening period of about 10 weeks between two Contact periods would be spent in consolidating the class learning's, submitting assignments ( about 4 to 5 per week) and preparing for the next contact period.


Graduates with minimum 5 years experience and with a good track record and who are backed up/supported by their companies to do the program.

Program Admission Requirements

Demonstrate your commitment and readiness to succeed in business school by taking the GMAT exam โ€“ the most widely used exam for admissions that measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills.

Download the GMAT mini quiz to get a flavour of the questions youโ€™ll find in the exam.

Take the quiz

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