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Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is a not-for-profit, national organization that has represented architects and architecture for over 100 years, in existence since 1907. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada, demonstrating how design enhances the quality of life, while addressing important issues of society through responsible architecture. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s mission is to promote excellence in the built environment and to advocate for responsible architecture. The organization national office is based in Ottawa with a growing federated chapter model. Current chapters and networks are based in British Columbia, Alberta and Nova Scotia.

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is a not-for-profit, national organization that has represented architects and architecture for over 100 years, in existence since 1907. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada, demonstrating how design enhances the quality of life, while addressing important issues of society through responsible architecture. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s mission is to promote excellence in the built environment and to advocate for responsible architecture. The organization national office is based in Ottawa with a growing federated chapter model. Current chapters and networks are based in British Columbia, Alberta and Nova Scotia.


The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada, demonstrating how design enhances the quality of life, while addressing important issues of society through responsible architecture.


The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s mission is to promote excellence in the built environment and to advocate for responsible architecture.


Integrity – the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada conducts all its activities with the highest ethical and professional standards;

Environmental Responsibility – the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada actively promotes sustainable design and operates in the most environmentally sustainable manner possible;

Inclusiveness – the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada acts as a 'rassembleur' and all Royal Architectural Institute of Canada staff and programs operate to create and maintain a common ground for architecture students, intern architects, architects in practice, retired architects and professional organizations in Canada;

Effectiveness – Royal Architectural Institute of Canada programs are established with clear and measurable objectives that will bring benefit to members, enhance the profession of architecture, and improve the quality of the built environment in Canada.

  • Ottawa

    Murray Street,55, K1N 5M3, Ottawa

    Royal Architectural Institute of Canada