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NOVA University Lisbon - National School of Public Health


With more than 50 years of experience, NOVA National School of Public Health (NOVA NSPH) has played a leading role in the development of Public Health sector, training some of the most recognized administrators and managers from healthcare institutions in Portugal and globally.

Leading the way of Public Health education

NOVA National School of Public Health (NOVA NSPH) achieved this leading position based on a consolidated and diversified approach with a training portfolio of graduated courses based on today's needs, focused on a student-centered learning process and with a panel of distinguished and experienced professors.

In close articulation with Research and a strong connection to Practice, the NOVA NSPH developed a critical mass of highly differentiated professionals. Our students stand out for their technical, scientific skills and ability to act, in different sectors, being able to face the most complex public health issues, in an ongoing changing global context.

National and International R&D

We develop national and international quality research.

NOVA NSPH leads and participates in complex and competitive research projects, in a culture guided by current and future challenges of public health, focused on innovation and social impact.

The evidence production supports populations health and well-being and strengths healthcare systems, where the priority is to translate the evidence into applicable solutions, in real contexts, from local to global.

People are the key of our success

Our success is made by our team. Employees are vital to our institution because they're directly responsible for carrying out our mission, purpose and tenets. It's the engagement of the teachers, investigators, partners, students and Alumni that makes possible to assume this important role in the community.

Our students

NOVA NSPH welcomes annually about 180 new students for courses of one or more years duration, including doctorates, masters and specializations. Additionally, about 200 students attend short courses.

Master, PhD and other final course thesis are usually published in recognized scientific journals. Our students have diverse educational backgrounds, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, health technologies, entrepreneurs, economics, management, law, psychology and others.

Read more on the institution's website

Facts and Figures

Rate of Employability

  • The rate of employability of NOVA NSPH Masters is higher than 85%.
  • NOVA NSPH phD students have 100% of employability rate.
  • One year after the completion of a NOVA NSPH Master Course' students often becase "self-employed” (+21% vs the previous year).

Innovation and Entrepreneuship

  • Around 1/3 of Masters and PhD’s have some type of involvement with innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives. These activities include maintenance of a pre-existing family businesses and the creation of new companies.
  • PhD’s involved in entrepreneurial initiatives are especially geared to the creation of new products and/or services.

International Students

88 Foreign students from 24 Nationalities

8% of revenues from international sources

This information is based on OBIPNOVA – Observatory for Professional Insertion of NOVA University of Lisbon Graduates data, that follows of NOVA National School of Public Health students' (graduates, masters and PhD’s), during 10 years after its degree.

    NOVA NSPH has more that 25 courses per year. Since Ph.D., Masters, Posgraduated or Short Term Courses all have different admission dates.

    Please find these information at the website below or contact our Academic Services (

    NOVA National School of Public Health Calendar

    1 Semester: September to February
    2 Semester: February to July
    Exams - 1 Semester: February
    Exams - 2º Semester: July/ September

    The Campus


    Our Library has a capacity of 15 users with free access to all publications. It is available to the teaching staff and students, as well as to NOVA NSPH Alumni and to the general public, according to the regulations of our Documentation and Information Centre - CDI.

    Our Library collection' has more than 17,500 volumes (including the so-called grey literature), in a public catalogue; and, around 200 scientific journals in printed form.

    We have an interlibrary loan service, available national and internationally, where users can request access to books, books chapters and journal articles, that aren't available in our facilities.

    The Library provides access to several full text databases as well as to Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online (b-on) where users can get information from a large number of academic publications, even outside the campus.

    Internet Access

    The School Campus has wifi in the entire building. It also has a computer centre available for students, with around 30 workstations, all with internet and printer access.

    School Labs

    NOVA NSPH is recognized for its research on several matters of Public Health. For that, the school has 2 labs:

    The Laboratory of Analysis and Management Techniques
    The Laboratory of Analysis and Management Techniques is an important database of techniques, for teaching/learning and research, development and innovation projects.

    The Occupational Health Laboratory
    The NOVA NSPH Occupational Health Laboratory is a place dedicated to the development of research projects and the sponsoring of external actions for the Community. It also develops clinical assessment techniques in health surveillance, within the context of Occupational health, which can be applied in the teaching-learning process of the Advanced Course in Work Medicine.

      Portugal attracts many international students due to its renowned universities, mild climate, low cost of living, and international atmosphere. Portugal welcomes both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA students but the process is differente depending on their nationality.

      Students who are EU/EEA citizens do not need a visa to study in Portugal. They can enrol in a study course and arrive in the country without having to meet any specific requirements and obtain a visa.

      If you are a non-EEA citizen and you want to come to Portugal to study, you must obtain a Student Visa. Find out more about eligibility requirements and different types of Portuguese Study Visas at the Portuguese embassy or consulate in your home country and follow their instructions.

      International Programms

      NOVA National School of Public Health students can participate in international mobility programs through different Erasmus + modalities for Studies and Internships.

      Check NOVA in the World Map and consult the countries of destination, partner institutions and the scientific areas of interest.

      At NOVA NSPH you can find the Alumni Association of the National School of Public Health. This exclusive association has the objective of bringing together former NOVA NSPH students from all around the world and that are part of the history of our School. The Alumni Association organizes social, cultural and professional initiatives for everyone. Besides that, it has the purpose of network with former colleagues and friends and show what is being done in the different areas where NOVA NSPH participates.

        Public Health Master Course

        1ª in TOP 100 of 2022 Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking

        In 2022, NOVA National School of Public Health' Public Health Master Course was recognized as the "Best Masters 2022" by the EDUNIVERSAL BEST MASTERS RANKING at "Health category".

        APHEA International Certification

        In 2023, the Public Health Master Course received APHEA International Certification, demonstrationg not only the excellence of the course but also the commitment of NOVA National School of Public Health to the international educational standards of healthcare management.

        • Lisbon

          Avenida Padre Cruz, 1600-560 Lisbon, 1600-560, Lisbon

        • Lisbon

          Lisbon, Portugal

          NOVA University Lisbon - National School of Public Health