Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
At the beginning of the 21st century, biology is faced with the enormous task of understanding how the information of the entire genome results in the organism's biology. Employing over 260 full-time staff (over 120 research scientists) and training over 200 Ph.D. students, the Nencki Institute is currently the largest non-university biological research center in Poland.
At the beginning of the 21st century, biology is faced with the enormous task of understanding how the information of the entire genome results in the organism's biology. Employing over 260 full-time staff (over 120 research scientists) and training over 200 Ph.D. students, the Nencki Institute is currently the largest non-university biological research center in Poland. The high quality of externally funded research, excellent publication record, and strong international links place the Nencki Institute among the leading biological institutions of Central and Eastern Europe. Research projects in the Nencki Institute are carried out by 30 scientific Laboratories and 8 core-facility laboratories belonging to the Neurobiology Center.
The Institute places high emphasis on education and training. We actively recruit the best Ph.D. candidates with the highest academic achievements, having intellectual curiosity, and the desire to develop professionally and personally. They enter an original training program based on international cooperation, which provides them with a strong background in the field, technical expertise, and a stimulating environment created by highly interactive laboratories. The best students completing the Ph.D. with honors returning from external postdoctoral fellowships have an opportunity to return to one of our scientific teams as assistant professors or to form a new team. New laboratories are created at the Institute to facilitate the recruitment of the best specialists in research areas that are new and complementary to our current research profile. The Nencki Institute is an equal opportunity employer with full awareness of gender issues in scientific research (women account for approximately 65% of the Institute’s research and administrative staff, including senior-level positions).
- Warsaw
Ludwika Pasteura,3, 02-093, Warsaw