Associate of Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer
Los Angeles, USA
2 Years
Full time
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USD 362 / per credit *
* per credit out-of-state student tuition; USD 46 per credit - California residents tuition
Key Summary
Communication Studies is a broad-based discipline with foundational coursework in oral communication theory and skills development, augmented with course options that add dimension and depth to the student’s understanding of the discipline – such as interpersonal, group, organizational, and intercultural communication, argumentation, journalism, forensics, and communication research methods.
The degree program requires students to critically analyze information and arguments, select and research an appropriate topic and thesis, and logically organize the supporting material into a well-crafted presentation. Students will employ appropriate verbal and nonverbal delivery skills and visual aids to present a message to an audience in a conversational and confident manner; and formulate communication solutions to problems in a range of contexts. Students will create messages appropriate for diverse audiences and listeners and develop an improved understanding of themselves as communicators.
To earn an Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer a student must complete 60-semester Units that are eligible for transfer to the CSU that consist of IGETC pattern or CSU GE breadth and a major of at least 18 Units. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all CSU-transferable coursework to receive an associate degree for transfer and all courses in the major must be completed with a C or better. Students earning an associate degree for transfer will not be required to complete any other local graduation requirements.
Program Outcome
Upon successful completion of this program, a student will be able to:
- Critically analyze information and arguments.
- Select and research an appropriate topic and thesis.
- Logically organize supporting materials into a well-crafted presentation.
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal delivery skills to present a message to a live audience in a confident manner.
- Formulate communication solutions to problems in a range of contexts.
- Create messages appropriate for diverse audiences and listeners.
- Develop an improved understanding of themselves as communicators.
Required Courses
Core Courses
- SPCH 1A Public Speaking 4 or SPCH 1AH Public Speaking - Honors
List A
Choose two courses from the following: 6
- SPCH 6 Group Communication
- SPCH 20 Argumentation and Debate or SPCH 20H Argumentation and Debate - Honors
- SPCH 26 Interpersonal Communication or SPCH 26H Interpersonal Communication - Honors
List B
Choose any two courses from the following or any one course not already used from List A: 6-7
- JOUR 100 Introduction to Mass Communications
- SPCH 2 Survey of Communication Studies
- SPCH 4 Performance of Literature
- SPCH 7 Intercultural Communication or SPCH 7H Intercultural Communication - Honors
- SPCH 8 Professional and Organizational Speaking or SPCH 8H Professional and Organizational Speaking - Honors
- SPCH 9 Introduction to Persuasion
- SPCH 15 Forensics: Fundamentals of Contest Speech and Debate
- SPCH 16 Forensics: Individual Event Team
- SPCH 30 Introduction to Communication Theory or SPCH 30H Introduction to Communication Theory - Honors
List C
Choose at least one course from the following or any one course not selected from List A or List B: 3-4
- ANTH 5 Cultural Anthropology or ANTH 5H Cultural Anthropology - Honors
- ENGL 1B English - Introduction to Literary Types or ENGL 1BH English - Introduction to Literary Types - Honors
- ENGL 1C Critical Thinking and Writing or ENGL 1CH Critical Thinking and Writing - Honors
- JOUR 101 Beginning Writing and Reporting for the Mass Media
- PSYC 1A Introduction to Psychology or PSYC 1AH Introduction to Psychology - Honors
- SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology or SOC 1H Introduction to Sociology - Honors
- SPCH 3 Voice and Diction
- SPCH 17 Forensics: Debate Team
- SPCH 18 Forensics: Reader's Theater Team
Total Units for Major 19-21
- CSU General Education or IGETC Pattern* 39-42
Total Units 60
*Courses may be double-counted with either CSU-GE or IGETC.
English Language Requirements
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