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Leiden University LLM Advanced Studies in European and International Human Rights Law
Leiden University

LLM Advanced Studies in European and International Human Rights Law

Leiden, Netherlands

1 up to 2 Years


Full time

Request application deadline *

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EUR 19,300 / per year **


* non-EU/EEA student deadline. For EU/EEA deadline 15.05.2023

** full-time for all students: 19,300. Part-time for all students: 9,650 euro

Key Summary

    About: The LLM Advanced Studies in European and International Human Rights Law focuses on the complexities of human rights within European and international legal frameworks. The course aims to equip students with in-depth knowledge and analytical skills essential for understanding the challenges and advancements in human rights law.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue careers in various fields, including human rights advocacy, international law, diplomatic services, and non-governmental organizations. This degree prepares students for roles in legal practice, policy development, and academic research related to human rights issues.


When human rights are violated by a particular state or society, is it more effective to use national, regional or international human rights protection mechanisms to address the issue? And how do different political, social and cultural settings affect the workings of these mechanisms? These questions are a main topic in our Advanced Master programme Law in European and International Human Rights.

What does this master's programme entail?

Human rights are at risk in all societies. Though various national, regional and international human rights instruments have been developed to protect the human rights of all people, some of these are more effective than others in particular situations. In the European and International Human Rights Law Advanced Master programme, you will compare the functionality of different protection mechanisms that are currently in place. To this end you will not just study 'the law the books', but also 'the law in action'. You will also learn how the promotion of human rights may require different strategies indifferent political, social and cultural settings. You will also experience this during the study trip to Strassbourg and/or Geneva.

Reasons to choose European and International Human Rights Law at Leiden University?

As a student of the European and International Human Rights Law Advanced Studies programme, you will benefit from:

  • Expert instructors: In addition to learning from the expertise of our academic staff, you will participate in lectures, masterclasses and workshops given by renowned human rights experts working for the UN, the EU, NGOs or other organisations.
  • Life-changing work: You will learn how to develop your own voice to speak for people in the world who may have otherwise been silenced. You will become an effective advocate for promoting the basic rights and fundamental freedoms that are inherent to all human beings.
  • Excellent reputation: Leiden Law School has an excellent reputation in human rights research and education.

More reasons to study European and International Human Rights Law at Leiden University.

Is European and International Human Rights Law the right programme for you?

Would you like to actively work to protect the human rights of people across the globe? Are you interested in applying your knowledge of human rights law to real-world political, social and legal settings? Then this is the programme for you. You should also have a sufficient background in law.

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