Associate of Arts in Community and Labor Studies
Oakland, USA
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2024
USD 7,120 / per semester *
* this is for a standard 15 credit semester including fees / price may vary depending on how many credits are taken
Key Summary
This program is designed to offer both background and current trends in labor, community and social justice organizing. This includes labor-management issues and relations, union, worker collective and community organizing and social justice movement building.
Scholarships and Funding
The Labor Studies Program at Laney College administers several annual awards to Labor Studies students. The awards are applied for with a combination application available in the Spring semester each year and selections are made by a committee drawn from faculty and the labor movement.
The Dorothy “Doddie” Gifford Memorial Scholarship: Two awards of $250 each are granted each year to Laney Labor Studies students. The late Doddie Gifford was a long-time member of the Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees from Laney’s district. She took a special interest in the Labor Studies Program and served as an ex-officio member of the Advisory Committee for many years, holding the title of Honorary Chair. She was widely known as the “Godmother of Labor Studies” and helped build the program. The scholarships come from a fund established by the Central Labor Council of Alameda County, AFL-CIO, with a generous donation from Judge Jack Gifford.
Coalition Of Labor Union Women: One award of $200 will be granted to a woman Laney Labor Studies student. CLUW is a national organization of union members that works to promote participation of woman in their unions, affirmative action in the workplace, political action and legislation, and organizing unorganized women workers.
Anna Los And John Los Labor Studies Scholarships: Two Awards of $200 each are awarded to Labor Studies Students at the three Bay Area Community College Labor Studies programs. Anna Los was born in Poland and emigrated to Chicago with her new husband in 1912. She worked in the clothing industry. A 39-year member of the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers, she received a union pension at 65 that, with social security, helped her survive to age 88. John Los brought his bride from Poland at age 24. He worked in Chicago’s steel mills and stockyards, and later on the waterfront as a casual worker. He suffering from leg ulcers. The Great Depression hit when he was 40 years old and he never secured a full-time job again. He died at age 68, subsisting on Social Security alone; he never earned a pension. The scholarships were established by their daughter, Jane Los.
Daniel Ferreira Memorial-Labor Studies Award: IATSE member Daniel Ferreira, an ardent Labor Studies student, and graduate, died prematurely and left a bequest to the Laney College Labor Studies Program. Through the year 2006, the Labor Studies faculty annually select a deserving student who best exemplifies the ideals and goals for which Dan Ferreira fought. The annual award is $100.
Memorial-Labor Studies Award: This is a new scholarship in formation. We will have more info posted soon.
Earn a Certificate of Completion in Labor Studies! Students have the options of Track A or Track B
Here are the required 21 units of classes needed for Track A:
- LABST 010 American Labor Movement (3 units)
- LABST 012 Collective Bargaining (3 units)
- LABST 013 Labor Economics for Labor & Community Leaders (3 units)
- LABST 014 Grievance Handling & Arbitration (3 units)
- LABST 030 Labor Law (3 units)
- Plus six (6) units of Labor Studies elective units
Here are the required 18 units of classes needed for Track B:
- CLABST (cross listed with ETHST 14) Community Building and Transformation in Urban America (3 units)
- CLABST Social Justice Movements and People’s Struggles: Global Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution (3 units)
- CLABST Cultural Resistance: Cultural Expression, Production and Performance in Social Justice Movements and People’s Struggles (3 units)
- CLABST Practicum and Field Study (3 units)
- Plus 6 elective units: Any course from Track B; GLST Introduction to Global Studies; CLABST Political Economy; or any Ethnic Studies course.
Earn an Associate Arts degree in Labor Studies by completing the above classes, plus the required general education classes.
American Labor Movement
- Course Number: LABST 10
- Units: 3
- Class: 3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
- Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC
Also offered as HIST 28 at Berkeley City College Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled HIST 28.
Description: History of the American labor movement from colonial times to the present: First unions, creation of laws, beginnings of national union structures, rise of the AF , development of the CIO, and current issues. 0516.00 AA/AS area 2; CSU area D6; IGETC area 4F
Health and Safety on the Job
- Course Number: LABST 19
- Units: 3
- Class: 3 hours lecture (GR or P/NP)
- Acceptable for credit: CSU
Description: How to identify, evaluate and control job hazards Protective laws and regulations, and workers’ compensation for illness and injury. 0516.00
Selected Topics in Labor Studies
- Course Number: LABST 48GA-MZ
- Units: .5-5
- Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
- Acceptable for credit: CSU
Independent Study in Labor Studies
- Course Number: LABST 49
- Class: .5-5 units (GR or P/NP)
- Acceptable for credit: CSU
Selected Topics in Labor Studies
- Course Number: LABST 248GA-MZ
- Units: .5-5
- Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR or P/NP)
English Language Requirements
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