Master of Science in Public Health and Health Equity (MPH-HE)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1 up to 5 Years
Full time, Part time
15 Dec 2024*
03 Mar 2025
EUR 22 / per year **
* This start date is for the part time option of the Masters programme
** EUR 21.700 (full-time fee track 1-4) // EUR 13.800 (full-time fee track 5) // EUR 14.500 (part-time fee track 5)
Key Summary
The Master of Public Health and Health Equity is designed to enable mid-career professionals, working at any level (subnational, national, international, global) within the health system, to use an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to address public health issues. In all programme components, participants are encouraged to interact with participants from other backgrounds and countries, who may face similar issues but with alternative solutions.
Duration full-time tracks: 1 year. Part-time option for this master programme possible (see track 5).
Participants can choose from the following 5 study tracks:
- Track 1: Health Systems and Policy
- Track 2: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Track 3: Epidemiology
- Track 4: Tailor-made track
- Track 5: Selected Challenges and Solutions in Public Health
KIT has launched the ‘Women Leaders in Global Health Development Initiative’ and as part of this initiative, we strongly encourage women to apply.
The MPH-HE is organized by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and is accredited by the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO).
Public Health and Health Equity in a Changing Environment
Health systems in low- and middle-income countries face a wide range of complex challenges. These include, among others, the inequalities in health and healthcare; the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases; the unfolding demographic transition; and the health needs in fragile and conflict-affected settings. These challenges disproportionately affect disadvantaged populations worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Addressing these issues requires well-trained professionals, capable of solving complex public health problems systematically, in either a public or private sector organisation responsible for public health. To this end, the MPH-HE programme specifically focusses on health equity in low-resource settings and in high-resource settings with disadvantaged populations, using a gender and inclusive approach.
Student Testimonials
Course start date
- Academic year 2025-2026: from 8 September 2025 until 28 August 2026
First trimester: Core Course in Public Health and Health Equity
The Core Course consists of the following modules:
- Equity and Global Health Concerns
- Research Methods
- Health Systems and Policy Making
- Learning and Communication Skills and Professional Development
The introduction to the MPH starts with learning and communication skills that will be needed throughout the course. These include skills in internet searches for health-related information and literature, presentation, and writing skills.
In the first trimester, students are introduced to the broad categories of factors that influence health: culture, lifestyle, socioeconomic, political, and natural environments and the impact of the health care delivery system. Throughout the course, there is a strong emphasis on the gendered nature of many of these factors.
Basic concepts and tools for the analysis and discussion of health problems through modules in health planning and management are introduced, including health economics and financing and epidemiology and statistics. The basic knowledge and skills acquired or reinforced in the first part of the course will be applied to a practical strategic planning exercise carried out in small groups. Towards the end of the first trimester, students begin to clarify their thesis topics and investigate the literature related to those topics.
Second trimester: advanced courses for all 5 tracks.
- Health Planning and Programming
- Qualitative Health Systems Research
- Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
And specialisation courses per track. Visit our website for all detailed information.
Learning methods
The content of the course is practice-based and oriented as much as possible to the working situation of participants. Contact between teaching staff and students is intensive throughout the course. Students learn through lectures, discussions, group work, individual presentations, case studies, exercises, study visits, an internet-based virtual learning environment and ‘serious gaming’, self-reflection, self-study, and written assignments including a thesis. They receive study material before each module. During the lessons, students share information about health issues of countries in which they have worked and compare experiences. Online repositories are used for learning material. Laptops and/or tablets are required.
Study load
A total of 60 EC credit points must be accumulated for successful completion of the MPH program. The European Credit Transfer System (EC) facilitates the transfer of course credits between institutions at the same academic level. 1 EC requires 28 hours of student time, which includes class time and independent study.
Graduation requirements
Each module is assessed by means of either a written examination or a take-home assignment. At the end of the program, an independent external examination committee assesses the thesis and the candidate’s oral examination.
If the overall assessment is satisfactory, the degree of Master of Public Health is awarded. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for the degree may be eligible for a certificate of attendance.
Program Outcome
Course Objectives
The MPH-HE is designed to enable mid-career professionals, working at any level (subnational, national, international, global) within the health system, to use an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to address pubnlic health issues. In all programme components, participants are encouraged to intereact with participants from other backgrounds and countries, who may face similar issues but with alternative solutions.
After the program will be able to:
- Critically examine current and emerging health issues, analyse determinants and identify needs, in different population groups.
- Appraise the role of health systems in terms of goals, functions, actors and performance.
- Identify research needs, appraise research methods and results, generate ethically sound evidence, and translate results into policy and practice.
- Develop, implement, and monitor and evaluate, cost-effective, quality, and community-centred programmes and interventions.
- Analyse, influence, and develop policies, taking into account evidence and context.
- Professionally collaborate, and network and effectively communicate in a multi-disciplinary, inter-sectoral and multi-cultural setting.
- Work towards and advocate for the principles of equity and human rights.
- Critically self-reflect and professionally develop your attitudes, motivations, practices, and values, to act as an agent of change.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.