Associate of Science/Associate of Applied Science in Computer Science or Computer Programming
60 up to 61 Hours
Full time
Request application deadline *
Request earliest startdate
USD 3,540 / per semester **
* We start 3 times per hear August (mid-July Deadline); January (deadline Mid-November); and May (deadline Mid-March)
** Out of State costs for 1 semester
Key Summary
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
Computer Information Systems Technology (Associate of Applied Science Track)
This curriculum is designed to serve students planning to enter the field of computer information technology and those already employed who need specialized skills required by the computing industry.
Options are available for concentrated study in:
- Computer Programming
- Computer Networking
- Web Technologies
Check with your four-year institution for the transferability of courses in this program. This program is not designed to transfer to a four-year institution.
Full-time students planning to complete the Associate in Applied Science degree should concurrently work towards completion of requirements from a chosen option and General Courses requirements. For example, each term, a full-time student should take two to three courses that meet requirements from the student’s chosen option and two to three courses that meet requirements in the General Courses section.
Accreditation/Mission Statement - CIS
Jefferson State Community College is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for the offering of the Associate Degrees in Accounting, Business Management, Banking and Finance Administration, Office Administration Technology, and Business Transfer Programs.
Catalog (Associates of Scient Track)
Computer Science
Program Code - AS T057
Areas I-IV core courses are to be chosen from the Jefferson State
Approved AGSC General Course Listing.
Orientation Requirement***
- ORI 101 Orientation to College 1
General Courses (60-61 semester hours)
- Area I: Written Communication 6
- Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts 12
- *Literature 3
- Arts (A) 3
- +Additional Humanities and Fine Arts 3
- Complete one course from the following: 3
- SPH 106 Fundamentals of Oral Communications
- SPH 107 Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Area III: Natural Sciences and Mathematics 11
- MTH 112 Precalculus Algebra 3
- Natural Science Sequence 8
- Area IV: History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences 12
- *History 3
- +Additional History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences (6 hours maximum of history) 9
*As a part of the General Studies Curriculum, students must complete a six-semester-hour sequence either in literature or in history.
- Area V: Pre-Professional, Major & Elective Courses 19
- MTH 113 Precalculus Trigonometry 3
- MTH 125S Calculus I 4
- MTH 126S Calculus II 4
- Complete one course from the following: 3
- CIS 251 C++ Programming
- CIS 285 Object-Oriented Programming
- Additional hours to be chosen from JSCC’s Area V
- Additional Courses. 5
+Refer to JSCC’s AGSC Approved Course Listing.
*** ORI 101 Waived if the student currently has 12 or more earned hours or has transferred in 12 or more hours.
For transfer information, refer to the AGSC guide and Area V page for this program. Failure to print and retain the Area V page for this major may result in the program not being transferable.
Note: Students transferring to AU, UA or the USA should follow the Engineering: Computer Science program.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!