International University Of Sarajevo IUS
The International University of Sarajevo is a non-profit independent institution of higher education that autonomously provides funding for its work. It offers educational programs in all three study cycles, as well as specific professional development programs in the registered areas.
The International University of Sarajevo is a non-profit independent institution of higher education that autonomously provides funding for its work. It offers educational programs in all three study cycles, as well as specific professional development programs in the registered areas. IUS is accredited by the National Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance and listed in the state register of accredited higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The university is an associate member of European University Association (EUA) and a full member of International Association of Universities (IAU). Additionally, all the seven programs represented through Keystone are accredited by AQ Austria for six years as of September 2016. IUS follows a four-year degree structure at the undergraduate level. The programs are compatible with the Bologna system and allow free transfer of credits through ECTS. A bachelor degree at IUS is valued at 240 credits. A master’s program at IUS lasts one year and is valued at 60 credits.
Language requirements
The language of communication and education at IUS is English, and all prospective students need proof of language proficiency (IELTS 6 or TOEFL IBT 79). Students who lack this level of proficiency may study at the English Language School until they are ready for their faculty studies language-wise.
Participation fees
At the undergraduate level, the cost of a program starts from 3600 Euro with the relevant scholarships. For master’s in Genetics and Bioengineering, the fee is 3500 Euro. For the International Relations and Electrical and Electronics Engineering programs, the fee is 3000 Euro.