CE - Expertise in Wine Management
54 Hours
English, Portuguese
Part time
13 Apr 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 815 / per year **
* APPLICATIONS: 1st phase: January 6th to April 13th 2025 | 2nd phase: April 16th to May 31st 2025 | 3rd phase: June 4th to July 20th 2025 | 4th phase: July 23rd to October 12th 2025
** Tabela em vigor para o ano letivo de 2024/2025
Key Summary
It is a course that complements the theoretical presentation of themes with a very strong practical learning aspect, through multiple wine tastings and case studies, which allow one to grasp the concepts much more easily.
Expertise in Wine Management prepares students in a differentiated way because it brings together transversal knowledge of all the areas that matter to the sector, with advantages that allow, in particular:
- To current professionals, to know better the areas of work of their interlocutors within companies, making information flow better between departments;
- To wine lovers, speak with solidity and knowledge about the pressing issues of the sector;
- For those looking for a job in the wine sector, get the tools to have a global and strategic vision of the wine world, to make a difference in the labor market;
- To entrepreneurs, provide a complete perspective of the business.
- Adopt a holistic vision of the wine sector;
- To perceive the dynamics and interaction of all the sector areas that sustain wine, from production to delivery to the final consumer;
- Understand wine as an agricultural product and as a business;
- Understand the strategic perspective of wine in Portugal and place it in the international context, considering the competition;
- Know the main international wine regions and the different types of wine produced there;
- Understand the influence of the terroir, the driving systems, the grape varieties, and what factors influence a wine in the vineyards;
- To know the work of the oenologist, the processes of winemaking, blending, aging, and aging of wines;
- Know how to set up a professional wine tasting, understand the wine tasting and distinguish the main types of wine;
- Know the rules for choosing dishes and wines, both by approximation and antagonism. Know how to connect wines from the world to international dishes. Learn to innovate and surprise with unique and exciting experiences;
- Identify the specificities of marketing in the wine world; wine consumer behavior; strategies and legislation;
- Valuing the presentation of wines and knowing how to put them on the market. Create partners in the market;
- Know where wines are marketed in Portugal and the world. Knowing the specificities of distribution channels and the best approaches for each channel;
- Know the particularities of the main countries that buy wine. Know how to define priority markets. To know the strengths and weaknesses of Portuguese wines in each market and how to conquer space on the international scene;
- Understand the specificities of wine communication, its own channels, prescribers, and the best ways to be effective in the transmission of information about wines.
Language of instruction: Portuguese
- Preparation Course - Harmonization of knowledge
- International Wine Culture
- Viticulture
- Oenology
- Wine Tasting I
- Wine Tasting II
- Food & Wine Pairing
- Wine Marketing
- Negotiation and Sales Techniques
- Distribution Trends
- Internationalization
- Comunication
- Practical Cases > Distribution
- Proof of defects
- Case studies and expert evidence
- Case studies: production
Program Tuition Fee
Ideal Students
- Profissionais atuais ou potenciais na área do vinho, que pretendem ter um conhecimento mais abrangente do que a sua área natural de formação;- Pessoas com o culto do vinho podem também frequentá-lo, porque o curso integra uma preparação inicial com vista a harmonizar os conhecimentos.