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International University of Struga


International University of Struga is a highly qualified University which is fully devoted to the education and successfulness of its students.

International University of Struga is a highly qualified University which is fully devoted to the education and successfulness of its students. International University of Struga throughout its undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field of marketing and financial management, diplomacy and international relations, information technology, law sciences, English language and communicative sciences, offers a possibility for stimulating intellectual curiosity, rational thinking, introducing of wide spectrum of scientific disciplines and professional fields.

International University of Struga owes the possibility to work and help the students by using creative strategies, the latest up graded technology, using new teaching methods and practicing the theoretical knowledge in everyday life. Our students are sample for mutual multiethnic existence and work, an example of how to bind different cultures and how to respect and treat them.

International University of Struga is committed to global progress, prosperity, diversification, social responsibility and local functioning. Its working is directed to creation of ambient in which the students and the staff will be able to improve and develop their intellectual and professional talents without any limitation.

International University of Struga