Master's Degree in Periodontology
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 27,844
* registration from January onwards
Key Summary
The Master’s Degree in Periodontology is a full-time 3-year postgraduate programme accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), designed to train dentists in the specialised fields of periodontology and implantology. This programme prepares students to supervise clinical treatments, as well as how to teach and carry out research in surgical and periodontal implant dentistry. The course includes a theoretical module that covers clinical subjects related to periodontics, seminars that review and analyse contemporary and classic literature, courses on surgical and periodontal implantology, the relationship between periodontics and other specialised areas of dentistry, a study of clinical cases in periodontics, and clinical cases related to other areas of dental specialisation. During the practical part of this course students will receive training in all types of periodontal treatment and will carry out an individual research project in the area of periodontics and implantology.
Master’s Degree in Periodontology: 180 ECTS
Certification from the European Board of Periodontology (students who pass the exam)
Over the duration of the course, we will analyse and discuss classical and modern literature on the following topics, taking a critical approach:
First year
General aspects related to basic science
- Head and neck anatomy
- Clinical pharmacology
- Microbiology
- Molecular and cellular biology
Basic principles of clinical periodontology
- Anatomy
- Epidemiology
- Microbiology
- Host-parasite interactions
- Occlusal trauma
- Periodontal pathology
- Clinical examination
- Disease classification
- Initial periodontal therapy
- Antibiotics in periodontal therapy
- Supportive periodontal therapy
- Osseointegration of dental implants
- Peri-implant infections
Basic principles of periodontal surgery
- Periodontal surgery: access-flap surgery
- Treating teeth with furcation defects
- Pre-prosthetic periodontal surgery
- Principles of regenerative periodontal therapy
- Principles of mucogingival therapy
Principles of research methodology in periodontology
- Biostatistics
- Research methodology
- Bibliographic research
- Science communication
- Developing a research protocol
Concepts and seminars on interdisciplinary periodontal treatment
- Periodontics and orthodontics
- Periodontics and prosthodontics
- Periodontics and endodontics
- Periodontics and oral pathology
Review of classic periodontal literature
General aspects of oral medicine and pathology
- Oral soft tissue injuries
- Systemic diseases, oral pathologies and their symptoms
- Effects of medication on the oral mucosa
- Allergic reactions
- Infectious diseases, especially viral and fungal diseases
- Premalignant and malignant lesions
Practical and preclinical programme
Practical seminar on periodontal examinations and intraoral photography
Practical seminar on initial periodontal therapy (scaling and root planing)
Clinical practice in periodontology
- Examining and treating patients with periodontal diseases
- Radiographic examination of patients with periodontal diseases
- Treatment plan and treatment of patients with periodontal diseases
- Treatment plan and treatment of cases involving periodontics and orthodontics
- Treatment plan and treatment of cases involving periodontics and prosthodontics
- Treatment plan and treatment of cases involving periodontics and endodontics
- Supportive periodontal therapy
Practical seminar on periodontal surgery and suture techniques
Second year
Advanced clinical periodontics
Regenerative periodontal therapy
- Classification and diagnosis
- Clinical indications
- Surgical techniques
- Barrier materials
- Grafting materials
- Bibliographic evidence
Mucogingival therapy
- Classification and diagnosis
- Clinical indications
- Surgical techniques
- Bone grafts and substitutes
- Bibliographic evidence
Tissue regeneration
- Classification and diagnosis
- Clinical indications
- Surgical techniques
- Barrier materials
- Grafting materials
- Bibliographic evidence
Basic implantology
Examining patients who are candidates for implant therapy
- X-ray examination of implant patients
- Examining patients with implant-supported restorations
- Risk assessment for patients with implants
- Planning implant placement
- Dental implant macrodesigns and microdesigns
Research methodology in periodontology
- Data analysis
- Developing a research protocol
Seminars on interdisciplinary periodontal treatments
- Periodontics and orthodontics
- Periodontics and prosthodontics
Review of current periodontal literature
Review of classic literature on implants
Oral medicine and pathology
Clinical case seminars
Practical and preclinical programme
Clinical practice in periodontology
- Examining and treating patients with incipient and advanced periodontal diseases
- Radiographic examination of patients with incipient and advanced periodontal diseases
- Treatment plan and treatment of patients with incipient and advanced periodontal diseases
- Treatment of mucogingival conditions
- Regenerative periodontal treatment and procedures (tooth and bone)
- Treatment plan and treatment of advanced cases involving periodontics and orthodontics
- Treatment plan and treatment of advanced cases involving periodontics and prosthodontics
- Treatment plan and treatment of advanced cases involving periodontics and endodontics
- Examination and installation of dental implants
- Examination and treatment of peri-implant diseases
- Supportive periodontal therapy and implant therapy
Practical seminar on mucogingival surgery and suture techniques
Practical seminar on regenerative periodontal surgery and suture techniques
Practical seminar on surgical implant placement
Clinical instruction
Clinical orientation and instruction with university students at the University Dental Clinic.
Third year
Dental management and marketing
- Basic information on how to run and manage a dental clinic specialising in periodontology.
- Oral implantology
- Ridge reconstruction procedures
- Regenerating peri-implant defects
- Maxillary sinus elevation
- Implants in the cosmetic zone
- Implant complications
- Treatment of peri-implant lesions
Research methodology in periodontology
- Final data analysis
- Presentation of student research projects
Seminars on interdisciplinary periodontal treatments
- Periodontics and implantology
- Periodontics and orthodontics
- Periodontics and prosthodontics
Oral implantology and prosthetics
- Current concepts in implant prosthetics
Review of current literature on implants
Oral medicine and pathology
- Clinical case seminars
Practical and preclinical programme
Practical seminar on initial implant placement
Clinical practice in periodontology
- Examining and treating patients with incipient and advanced periodontal diseases
- Radiographic examination of patients with incipient and advanced periodontal diseases
- Treatment plan and treatment of patients with incipient and advanced periodontal diseases
- Treatment of mucogingival conditions
- Regenerative periodontal treatment and procedures (tooth and bone)
- Treatment plan and treatment of advanced cases involving periodontics and orthodontics
- Treatment plan and treatment of advanced cases involving periodontics and prosthodontics
- Treatment plan and treatment of advanced cases involving periodontics and endodontics
- Examination and installation of dental implants
- Sinus floor elevation
- Examination and treatment of peri-implant diseases
- Supportive periodontal therapy and implant therapy
Practical seminar on sinus floor elevation techniques
Clinical instruction
- Clinical orientation and instruction with university students at the University Dental Clinic.
Courses and conferences
- SEPA annual conference and research meetings
- EFP Conferences
- Evening continuous training sessions on periodontics and implantology run by the COEC
- ITI Study Club meetings
- EAO conferences and osteology conferences
Methodology and evaluation
- Practical and theoretical modules, science communication and research projects will be evaluated every quarter or semester.
- In order to graduate, students must have passed all the exams for the theory subjects, must have completed at least 50 clinical cases, and must have performed a minimum of 100 periodontal surgical procedures and 40 implants. At the end of the course, all students must present and defend five clinical cases, including at least two involving implants, in addition to their research project.
Program Outcome
The advanced training course in periodontology is designed to train dental professionals to be specialists in the field of periodontics and implantology. This programme will prepare these professionals for clinical practice, academic teaching, and research in periodontics.
The programme consists of a theoretical programme that covers the clinical aspects of periodontics and includes seminars to review and analyse current and classic literature on periodontics, joint seminars on prosthodontics and periodontics, seminars on the interrelationship between periodontics and other dental specialities, presentations on clinical cases in periodontics, and joint clinical cases alongside other dental specialities. The practical side of the course includes treating all kinds of patients with periodontal diseases, from basic treatments to periodontal and mucogingival surgery and implantology. Students will also be required to conduct a periodontal research project focusing on clinical issues and/or laboratory aspects, over the course of the three years programme.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.