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Institute of Technology Sligo Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering
Institute of Technology Sligo

Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering

Sligo, Ireland

2 Years


Part time

Request application deadline

Sep 2025

EUR 9,000 / per year


Key Summary

    About: The Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering in Road and Transport Engineering focuses on the principles and practices that enable effective road and transport system design, development, and management. This course is ideal for professionals seeking enhanced expertise in the field, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue various roles such as transport engineers, road safety analysts, and project managers in road construction and maintenance. Opportunities may also be available in governmental agencies, consulting firms, and infrastructure development organizations.


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This on-line part-time programme is aimed at preparing engineering graduates including local authority engineers, consultants and contractors with the knowledge, skills and competences required for an accredited postgraduate award in road and transport engineering.

The Postgraduate Diploma consists of two part-time on-line blended learning stages (years), with Stage 1 consisting of Semester 1 and 2, where the theme is road maintenance engineering and network management. Stage 1 is equivalent to the L9 Postgraduate Certificate in Road Maintenance Engineering & Network Management

In Stage 2 (Semester 3 and 4), the focus is on road design and construction. The overall performance contributes to the award. The learning is a mix of on-line lectures, on-campus workshops and project assignments.

Successful graduates can progress to the MEng programme (Stage 3) in which a research dissertation is undertaken during Semester 5 and 6.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirement for Stage 1 of the programme is a second class honours BEng degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent. Successful graduates of the Level 9 Certificate in Road Maintenance Engineering & Network Management can transfer to Stage 2 of this programme.

All lectures, tutorials and practical work are delivered through English. It is vitally important that students who are not native English speakers have the required standard on entry to ensure they gain maximum value from their time at IT Sligo. The required minimum proficiency score in English required for entry to IT Sligo is: 6.0 IELTS score for postgraduate degrees.

Career Opportunities

This award (PgDip MEng add-on) is aimed at providing graduates with the academic requirements of Engineers Ireland accreditation for the status of Chartered Engineer. This will facilitate professional engineers to progress to senior roles within the roads and transport engineering sector.

About the School


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