International MBA
Kyiv, Ukraine
25 Months
Russian, , English
Part time
Request application deadline
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EUR 17,775 *
* The full cost of the International МВА program is: 13900 EURO + 124 000 UAH
Key Summary
For whom:
Managers of С-level and owners of companies doing business both in Ukraine and abroad.
Delivery mode:
Learning module (face-to-face): 5 days (once a month – from Wednesday to Sunday, 9:30 – 16:45).
During intermodular time: online classes and homework.
Program Duration:
Start – 20, November 2019
Completion – December 2021
Documents on completion of the program:
Executive MBA Diploma issued by Business School «International Institute of Business»
Diplomurkunde (Management Center Innsbruck)
Certificate from Association of MBAs
Tuition fee:
The full cost of the International МВА program is 13900 EURO + 124 000 UAH.
Early Bird Registration is:
-Till 10.06.19 – discount – 2000 EURO
-Till 10.10.19 – discount - 1000 EURO
Registration fee is 10 000 UAH (included in the program price) to be paid at a time of sealing the contract. The rest of the amount is paid monthly according to the schedule fixed in the contract.
Program content:
1st academic year (at IIB Ukraine campus):
1.Managerial Economics and Competitive Strategy
2.Mathematics for a leader
3.Marketing and Digital Technologies
4.Operations Management
5.Strategic Marketing
6.Strategic Management
7.Reputational Management
8.Effective team building. Power and influence as effective management methods
9.Financial and Managerial Accounting
10.Project Management
11.Financial Analysis
12.Financial Management
13.Corporate Finance Management
14.Global Competitive Leadership
2nd academic year (IIB Ukraine campus + online + campus MCI)
15.Managerial Information Technologies
16.International business and export operations
17.Managing International Business (MCI)
18.Organizational Behavior
19.Organizational Behavior (MCI)
20.Business Intelligence
21.Entrepreneurship: business model and sources of funding
22.Business law
23.Research Methods (MCI)
24.Human Resource Management
25.Human Resource Management (MCI)
26.Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation (MCI)
27.Sales management
28.Risk management
29.Customer Experience
30.Managerial Performance
31. Change Management and Innovation
32. Writing a Master Thesis
33.Master Thesis Assessment
Tutors (business school «International Institute of Business»):
1. Aleksander Mertens
2. Natalia Pisarenko
3. Lyudmyla Batenko
4. Tatiana Lukinuk
5. Vladislav Beloshapka
6. Elena Ryzhkova
7. Alevtyna Kudinova
8. Vladimir Savchuk
9. Mikhailo Sorokin
10. Alexander Fedorishin
11. Andriy Stanchenko
And others
Tutors (business school «Management Center Innsbruck»):
Karin Sixl-Daniell - Professor of Management at Management Center Innsbruck and adjunct Professor at GlobalNxt University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), previously U21Global (Singapore).
Regina Obexer - Senior Lecturer in eLearning Solutions at Management Center Innsbruck, eLearning professional with extensive experience in the design, development, and implementation of eLearning programs.
Bernd Ebersberger - Head of R&D Services, Study Coordinator at the Department of Business & Management and International Business, MCI Management Center Innsbruck / Tyrol.
Julia Galosy – the tutor at Management Center Innsbruck. Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and New York University, Dr. Galosy holds a Ph.D. in Organization Development from the University of North Carolina. Has over 30 years of experience in the areas of change management, human resource management, and organizational behavior.
Markus Kittler - the tutor of HRM Entrepreneurship and Innovation at MCI Management Center Innsbruck.
Entry criteria:
Øminimum of 5-year company work experience at a managerial position
Øhigher education degree (bachelor, specialist, master's degree).
ØEnglish language requirements:
·IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each component) or
·TOEFL 92 (score required in an Internet-based test)
Documents to be filled and submitted:
Application form
The proof of an adequate command of English has to be provided
2 recommendation letters
Copy of the national passport and Personal Tax Number
Copy of the international passport
Copies of diploma and of the transcript with grades
1 photo 3,5 cm x 4,5 cm
1 electronic photo
Regarding applying for the program:
tel. 0445850033
mob. 0675248949
viber: 0675248949
e-mail: sales@iib.com.ua
As a result of a study at the International MBA program you will receive:
- A comprehensive set of knowledge and skills, practical tools and examples of successful national and international practices and experiences aimed at effective business management;
- a vital contribution to the sustainable growth of business;
- new quality of decision-making when solving situations and problems at the operational and strategic levels;
- leadership, professionalism, and efficiency.
Program Mission:
Scaling up business through a comprehensive combination of business education with a strong international focus and the expansion and strengthening of students’ business competencies.
Program’s special aspects:
-Learning the regional specificity of economic development: analysis of key growth drivers in a complex business environment at the local and regional levels; evaluating existing market opportunities and finding new alternatives
-Understanding global problems: focusing on an understanding of the international business environment, its dynamics and the impact of global trends on the national business environment, as well as opportunities for development.
-Versatile approach and integration: a multifunctional and interdisciplinary approach allows you to get things done in contemporary companies by shaping the conceptual thinking and understanding of the multifunctional nature of key management tasks, emphasizing the importance of different managerial roles and styles.
-Combination of tools and practices: the vast majority of MBA teachers have unique teaching experience and significant business or consulting experience. Most of them have an academic degree in world recognized universities. Business leaders are involved in the learning process as invited speakers enriching the program through personal experience.
-Practical training focuses on the practical use of management techniques - case studies, group projects, collective discussions, etc. These projects focus on practical problems and usage of acquired knowledge and skills in students’ own management activities. Individual tasks take into account problems which are encountered by students in everyday practice. When writing a master's thesis, students use the learning tools and outcomes acquired during the program. It provides an effective solution to the most critical strategic and operational problems that the company may face.