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International Institute of Business, Business School (IIB) General MBA
International Institute of Business, Business School (IIB)

General MBA

Kyiv, Ukraine

18 Months


Part time

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UAH 249,900 *


* Early Bird discount - 13000 UAH till 31.01.19

Key Summary

    About: The General MBA program offers a comprehensive education in business management, focusing on key areas such as finance, marketing, and operations. This program prepares you for leadership roles through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. You'll engage in case studies, group work, and experiential learning to enhance your skills over the course of one to two years.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue various roles including business analyst, marketing manager, and operations manager. Opportunities also exist in consulting, finance, and entrepreneurship.


The program of General MBA in the International Institute of Business is a program for the young leaders and the managers, involved in the sphere of decision making in different branches and functional spheres both in the important national and international companies and in the companies of the small and mid-sized business.

The modules, offered to the students, are directed toward the formation of the system of practical knowledge and skills, which are necessary for understanding of the trends of development of domestic and international business, solving of the vital problems of company and increasing the effectiveness in the fulfillment of administrative functions in conditions of high turbulence of business environment.


The aim of the program is to acquire general managerial skills and advanced practical business tools through:

  • Forming of strategic thinking and widening of the business intelligence of the audience;
  • Obtaining specialized knowledge and understanding of the interaction of various components of the business, aimed at solving current problems in a company and increasing the effectiveness of managerial functions;
  • Acquiring the skill of practical application of the knowledge obtained from the program.


The program is implemented in a modular format which is very convenient for working students and allows one to combine work and study

Modular system: 5-day Modules monthly for 18 months.

The Program includes following blocks:

Block 1. Company and the modern business environment.
Block 2. Building an effective business model.
Block 3. Financial instruments of business and manager's personal effectiveness.

It is possible to start the Program from any block. The nearest start is on March 13, 2019.

Schedule: Wednesday - Sunday: 9.30 - 16.45.

In addition to traditional teaching methods, the Program involves extensive use of case methods, training, role and business games, and organization of workshops, presentations, and discussions.

Study process includes visits to leading enterprises and companies, meetings with successful businessmen and representatives of professional associations.

Diploma upon graduation: a General MBA Diploma of the International Institute of Business.

Language of instruction: Russian, Ukrainian.

Full tuition fee of General MBA program is 249 900 UAH.

Early Bird Registration pricing is:Discount - 13 000 UAH till 31.01.2019.

The General MBA carousel model program syllabus:

Block 1 "Company and Modern Business Environment"

  • Teambuilding
  • Development of economic thinking of a manager
  • Strategic management
  • Business Law in the contemporary economy
  • International business and global economic environment
  • Project Management: from idea to implementation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business and cross-cultural communication
  • Business practicums

Block 2 "Building of an Effective Business Model"

  • Teambuilding
  • Formation and development of effective teams
  • Management of business processes
  • Marketing management
  • Operational management
  • Financial management. Part 1
  • Big data management and modern information technology
  • Human resource management
  • Digital marketing
  • Business practicums

Block 3 "Financial instruments of business and manager's personal effectiveness"

  • Teambuilding
  • Mathematics for a Business leader
  • Financial analysis and practices of crisis management
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Financial management. Part 2
  • Assessment of business and management of its value
  • Leadership and personal effects of a manager
  • Business practicums

Final Project.

Final project: integration of knowledge and its practical application on the example of an operating business startup or startup development.

Benefits of General MBA

  • relevance and applicability of the knowledge in a modern business-environment;
  • the highest quality of the program, confirmed by the Association of MBAโ€™s accreditation;
  • correspondence of the financial courses to the international ACCA standards (4 courses of the program are accredited by ACCA);
  • logical consequence and practicality of the study program;
  • a perfect balance between the exact science and humanities;
  • personal development of the audience and creating key competencies for the successful human and business management;
  • convenient study schedule โ€“ MBA programs have a modular structure, which allows to combine work with study process;
  • a special elite status of AMBA community member and of MBA-club, and the opportunity to attend private events of the IIB and its partners.
  • the opportunity to start learning from any block of the program.

Admission requirements

  • Minimum 3 years of experience in managerial positions
  • Bachelor, Specialist, or Master Degree

Documents for admission:

  • Admission letter
  • A completed application form
  • One letter of recommendation
  • A copy of the national passport and identification code
  • A copy of the international passport
  • A copy of diploma and an extract from the graduation
  • Essay
  • One colored photo 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm + one scanned photo

Admission Process

The selection process for the Program is carried out in a form of an open competition. Upon the review of documents provided by candidates, they are going through the testing process and an interview with the members of the Admissions Committee.

About the School
