With over 45 years of experience, Ibmec is one of Brazil’s top business schools. Our undergraduate courses have earned the highest marks by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Our mission is to develop students as protagonists in a world without frontiers.

International Affairs
The International Affairs Office of Ibmec/Rio manages quarterly, semestrial and yearly programs for students wishing to study at Ibmec/Rio and facilitates studying abroad for our own students. The Ibmec International Affairs Office covers around fifty agreements with partner Business Schools and universities in more than ten countries. About Ibmec With over 45 years of experience, Ibmec is one of Brazil’s top business schools. Our undergraduate courses have earned the highest marks by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Our mission is to develop students as protagonists in a world without frontiers. Ibmec has over 50 different partnerships with non-Brazilian Institutes, receiving and sending around 300 students per year on our exchange programs. Our portfolio consists of Undergraduate, Graduate, Master and Extension courses. The excellence of our teaching reaches across the country through Ibmec Online and serves partner organizations in Brazil and abroad, through Ibmec In Company. We are distinguished from other institutions as we present a teaching methodology with DNA strongly supported by business, a faculty composed of masters and doctors with market experience, as well as agreements with several leading institutions that provide international experience to students. About Brazil, Brazil is home to one of the world’s most diverse culture resulting in the richness of flavors through music, food, and literature. Due to its wide territorial extension, Brazil has climates for all tastes. The average annual temperature is 35°C in the North and 20°C in the South of the country. When visiting us be amazed by the warmth of Brazilian people. Enjoy our beautiful beaches and landscapes, in contrast to the bustling nightlife. Units We operate in three major Brazilian cities - Brasília, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro – each with its own units. We offer graduate courses in units of DeVry Group Brazil, located in major cities in the Northeast region: Fortaleza, João Pessoa, Recife, Salvador and São Luís. Furthermore, our teaching excellence spreads throughout the country with online courses. We have a strong international presence since we established partnerships with the best institutions in the world – a list that expands every year. Contact If your home university does not have an exchange agreement signed with Ibmec and you want to come here to study, please contact us.
- Rio de Janeiro
Av. Armando Lombardi, 940 – CEP: 22640-000 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22640-000, Rio de Janeiro
- Rio de Janeiro
Avenida Pres. Wilson, 118, Centro Rio De Janeiro - RJ , CEP: 20030-020, 20030-020, Rio de Janeiro