PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
3 up to 6 Years
Full time, Part time
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HKD 42,100 / per year *
* per year
Key Summary
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Make your input really count as a postgraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Traditional computer science research covers the hardware and software of computer systems and their applications. Computer science programs at HKUST emphasize an integrated approach to the study of computers and computing methods to collect, process, analyze, and transmit information to support relevant and useful applications in modern life.
Computer science is still a young field. The world is only just beginning to realize the potential of information technology. The Department and its programs prepare students to meet the exciting challenges that await and to generate new advances in computing that will fuel future progress.
The Ph.D. program aims to develop the skills needed to identify research issues related to a practical application, formulate an original research plan that addresses some of those issues, and independently create a computing-related solution.
Research Foci
The Department's research involves many different areas:
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning, data mining and pattern recognition, knowledge representation and reasoning, robotics and sensor-based activity recognition, multi-agent and game theory, and speech and language processing.
Data, Knowledge, and Information Management
Large-scale data management, modelling, and distribution encompassing web query processing, information retrieval, and web search, data mining, enterprise systems, high-performance data management systems on modern computers, and database support for science applications.
Human-Computer Interaction
Augmented reality, multi-touch interaction, crowdsourcing, multimodal communication, effective computer, visual analytics of big data, intelligent interface for robots, E-learning, healthcare, and e-commerce.
Networking and Computer Systems
Pervasive computing and sensor networks, peer-to-peer computing, grid computing, high-performance switches and routers, video delivery and multicasting, multimedia networking, MAC protocols for ad-hoc networks, web cache management, DDOS detection and defence, and resource management and allocation in optical networks.
Software Technology and Applications
Software engineering, data mining for software analysis and debugging, computer music, cryptography, and security, internet computing.
Theoretical Computer Science
Combinatorial optimization, performance analysis techniques, computational geometry, formal languages and machines, graph algorithms, and algorithmic combinatorial game theory.
Vision and Graphics
Computer vision, computer graphics, medical image analysis, biometric systems, and video processing.
Energy Technology Concentration
Energy has been considered a core research area within the broadly-based disciplines of environmental science and technology. It is one of the most salient emerging disciplines amongst many in the fields of engineering, science, and social science. Energy Technology research covers many areas, including sustainable technology, conventional technology, and energy efficiency, and conservation. The interdisciplinary postgraduate research program in Energy Technology in the School of Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology provides long-term support to our ongoing educational training and fast-developing research in technology in general.
Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of Energy Technology, research and training in the field are integrated with different disciplines so that students can be equipped with the necessary knowledge and experience.