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Exerceo Business International College


Exerceo Business International College (Exerceo) was founded in 2009. Exerceo changed it’s the former name ‘Exerceo Business School’ to the current name in 2017.

Exerceo Business International College (Exerceo) was founded in 2009. Exerceo changed it’s the former name ‘Exerceo Business School’ to the current name in 2017.

Over the years, Exerceo had grown from a school offering only English courses in 2009 to offer more than 60 courses (certificate/diploma/Post-graduate Diploma levels) today in the following disciplines:

English Language


Business Management

Financial Management

Preparatory Courses

Hospitality Management

Construction Management

Exerceo courses and teaching emphasis meeting the changing needs of prospective students and demands of the business arena.

Exerceo is determined to create and provide a unique education for the new generation of global citizens who see education as a mean to improve their academic qualifications and, at the same time, enhance their working career. With its vision to nurture students into a globalized business professional, Exerceo aspires to deliver implicit education to students in a conducive learning environment.

  • Singapore

    Singapore, Singapore

    Exerceo Business International College