Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
Study in the oldest and largest nursing school in Portugal
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra - ESEnfC
The Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (ESEnfC) is a public higher education institution and a national and international reference in the development and affirmation of the nursing discipline.
The largest and oldest nursing school in Portugal, it conducts training in partnership with national and international health and higher education institutions of reference, geared to new socio-demographic needs and multiculturalism, to the demands of the global labor market and lifelong learning, being the first in attracting nursing students.
It is recognized and sought internationally for the qualification of its faculty, for its research and innovation, for the conditions it offers at the level of libraries, simulation centers, the quality of its graduate and postgraduate education and nursing research. It is the first School of Nursing in Portugal in the academic, scientific, technical and cultural mobility of students, teachers and non-professors ensuring that more than 30% of graduates have a study period abroad.
All graduates have the opportunity to participate in extension projects in the community, in research projects, in innovation and entrepreneurship projects, as part of an Institution recognized by the World Health Organization as their Collaborating Center.
The professionals trained by ESEnfC are socially recognized for the excellence of their global education, which contributes to a culture characterized by the centrality of the person, respect for their creativity, innovation, commitment to the school project, job / study satisfaction and in all areas of training, innovation and research.
Training offer in Nursing
In the field of vocational education and training, ESEnfC conducts formal undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Nursing and ongoing training courses for nurses, promoting, at the highest level, human, cultural, scientific and technical training, and , vocational training courses for other technicians and health care agents in your field.
Being an Institution that only promotes the teaching of Nursing has a student population of more than 2000 students of Nursing, with students coming from more than 30 countries.
It has agreements with 120 universities in more than 30 countries, including 26 with reference universities in Brazil. It allows the double diploma with the Federal University of Santa Catarina.