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Eurasian Humanitarian Institute (Evrazijskij Gumanitarnyj Institut) B.A. in THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE
Eurasian Humanitarian Institute (Evrazijskij Gumanitarnyj Institut)


Astana, Kazakhstan

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Sep 2024

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Key Summary

    About: The B.A. in the Kazakh Language and Literature program focuses on developing fluency in the Kazakh language while exploring its literature and cultural heritage. Students will engage with literary texts and gain insights into historical contexts and contemporary issues related to Kazakh culture. The program combines theoretical study with practical language skills.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue careers in education, translation, publishing, cultural institutions, and government sectors related to Kazakh communication and literature. With strong language skills, opportunities also exist in media, journalism, and regional diplomacy.


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GOALS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME: formation of universal and social-personal values; formation of ecological, physical, ethical, legal culture and the culture of thinking; deep acquisition of modern conceptions and achievements of general linguistics and literature, problems of methods of teaching the Kazakh language and literature; formation of fundamental knowledge, habits, and skills necessary in professional activity.

SPHERES OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: educational activity; experimental-researching activity; organizational-managerial activity; social-pedagogical activity; educational activity; academic-technical activity; informational activity.

OBJECTS OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: educational activity – secondary schools of general education, lyceums, gymnasiums; scientific-research activity – a junior research scientist at the scientific-research institutions; literary – creative activity – the institutions of literature, culture, publishing house; organizational-managerial activity – secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges having the straight relation to the speciality; productive-managerial activity – the departments of business correspondence and documentation of the state bodies, different enterprises; literature consultant.

DISCIPLINES OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: the Kazakh language and literature, problems of national spiritual state, education of benevolence, humanity and humaneness, the formation of highly conscious citizens of society.

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