DTI University
DTI University's mission is to provide, organize and supply education in accredited study programs, realize creative scientific research, and offer further education programs in the form of a wide range of courses and educational activities.
DTI University's mission is to provide, organize and supply education in accredited study programs, realize creative scientific research, and offer further education programs in the form of a wide range of courses and educational activities.
DTI University is oriented on producing and spreading knowledge and innovations in applied study programs and scientific disciplines. It focuses on training professionals needed in the labour market to develop a knowledge-based and sustainably competitive economy in Slovakia. It cooperates with Slovak and foreign colleges and universities, institutions in private and public sectors, non-governmental organizations, and international projects to realise this mission. DTI University in Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia is a private institute providing university education in accredited bachelor and master programs.
- Dubnica nad Váhom
Sládkovičova,533/20, 018 41, Dubnica nad Váhom