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CY Cergy Paris University - School of Law


The University of Cergy Pontoise (UCP) was created in 1991. On January 1, 2020, UCP merged with several other higher education institutions to form CY Cergy Paris University (“CYU”). CYU is located west of Paris in the department of Val d’Oise. Its privileged geographical situation allows it to benefit from Paris and its western employment zones.

The University of Cergy Pontoise (UCP) was created in 1991. On January 1, 2020, UCP merged with several other higher education institutions to form CY Cergy Paris University (“CYU”). CYU is located west of Paris in the department of Val d’Oise. Its privileged geographical situation allows it to benefit from Paris and its western employment zones.

CYU is a public Institution and a leading centre for teaching and research that welcomes over 1,500 international students from 54 different countries out of a total student body of 25,000 comprising 600 doctoral students, 1200 researchers, and 4132 graduates. With over 1,000 academic staff, the University offers all levels of undergraduate and post-graduate studies and has been ranked among the 20 best national Universities.

CYU has developed international exchanges with over 135 foreign universities, takes part in the European exchange program, and has adopted the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System), which allows European students to obtain credits in their university for courses taken abroad. CYU has been pointed out as a “Model University” several times by the French government.

The Law School

CYU School of Law welcomes over 3,100 students, divided into Licence, Master, and Doctoral Degrees, and offers them real supervision and support throughout their studies and until their professional integration. It is a dynamic and prestigious school ranked 3rd in France by the French Ministry of Education and 1st in Paris and its suburbs for its graduates' median salary and employment integration.

The School of Law has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright Chair several times. This is characterized by its desire to develop international and exchange programs.

Training competent lawyers has been one of the main objectives of the School of Law, evidenced by the varied links with the professional network and close ties with the Bar Association and local and national authorities.

The University of Cergy Pontoise (UCP) was created in 1991. On January 1, 2020, UCP merged with several other higher education institutions to form CY Cergy Paris University (“CYU”). CYU is located west of Paris in the department of Val d’ Oise. Its privileged geographical situation allows it to benefit from Paris and its western employment zones.

CYU is a public Institution and a leading center for teaching and research that welcomes over 1,500 international students from 54 different countries out of a total student body of 25,000 comprising of 600 doctoral students, 1200 researchers and 4132 graduates. With over 1,000 academic staff, the University offers all levels of undergraduate and post-graduate studies and has been ranked among the 20 best national Universities.

CYU has developed international exchanges with over 135 foreign universities and also takes part in the European exchange program and has adopted the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System) which allows European students to obtain credits in their university for courses taken abroad. CYU has been pointed out as a “Model University” several times by the French government.

The Law School

CYU School of Law welcomes over 3,100 students, divided into Licence, Master and Doctoral Degrees and offers them real supervision and support throughout their studies and until their professional integration. It is a dynamic and prestigious school ranked 3rd in France by the French Ministry of Education and 1st in Paris and suburbs for the median salary of its graduates and their employment integration.

The School of Law has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright Chair several times. This is characterized by its desire to develop international and exchange programs.

Training competent lawyers has been one of the main objectives of the School of Law, evidenced by the varied links with the professional network and close ties with the Bar association and local as well as national authorities.

    University libraries

    The university library is a network of ten libraries, present on all university sites and covering all disciplinary fields.

    The House of Languages

    The House of Languages includes two resource centers for your studies: the French Language Center and the Foreign Languages Center.

    A range of educational proposals linked to language learning: training, certifications, conversation workshops, platforms, etc.

    English - Spanish - Portuguese - Wolof...

    French Language Center - CLF

    Resolutely internationally oriented, CY Cergy Paris University offers French language and culture courses adapted to its international students.

    Foreign Language Center - CIEL

    The foreign language center supports you in teaching foreign languages, to organize and coordinate the certification process and provides a Language Resource Center, a multimedia workspace for language learning in guided self-study.

    Digital resources

    The university library provides you with a large number of online resources, accessible from home: journals, press and research articles, e-books, etc.

      CY Cergy Paris University

      • 15th place in France in the Times Higher Education's Impact Rankings 2023
      • 16th place in France in the Times Higher Education's Young University Rankings 2023
      • 30th place in France in the Times Higher Education's World University Rankings 2024
      • Best STAPS Sports Management License in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 4th best Master in Catering Services Management in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 6th best Masters in Chemistry and Quality Control in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 6th best Master of Science in Management and Sports Professions in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 7th best Master of Service Management in International Hospitality in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 8th best Master in International Marketing Management in perfumery and cosmetics in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 9th best Master's Degree in Environment, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Eco-construction course in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 11th best Master Management course Management Control and Information Systems in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 11th best Master in Environment CSR course (organizational social responsibility), Communication and Environment in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 12th best Master of Law and Business Ethics in France Eduniversal 2024


      • 8th place in the ranking of computer engineering schools Le Figaro student 2024
      • 10th place in the Le Figaro student ranking of post-baccalaureate engineering schools 2024
      • 3rd best Specialized Masters® Strategic Analysis and Economic Intelligence in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 5th best Specialized Master® Business Intelligence & Analytics in France Eduniversal 2024
      • 11th best Specialized Master® ERP Management in France Eduniversal 2024

      CY school of design

      • 11th place in the Le Figaro student design school rankings 2024

      HRS4R : CY Cergy Paris University receives EU Award

      Almost three years ago CY Cergy Paris University started the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) process to apply for the HR Excellence in Research award from the European Commission. The verdict was announced in October 2021: CY Cergy Paris University won the award. The HRS4R label attests the commitment of CY Cergy Paris University to improve the recruitment and the working conditions of its researchers.

      A strategy that makes researchers central to the process

      After instituting a specific governing structure, the institution began a vast consultation via a questionnaire to its community of researchers. The objective was to place the quality of our practices in the context of the objectives set by the European Commission. At the same time, the related administrative services began an analysis of their practices. The thematic consultation groups, made up of researchers, worked to determine the actions needed to improve recruitment and welcome procedures for researchers in our institution. Their work was based on the results of the questionnaire, on the observation of administrative practices and on their own experiences within CY Cergy Paris University.

      CY Cergy Paris University obtains the European HRS4R label of excellence

      CY Cergy Paris Université obtains the “HR Excellence in Research” label of Excellence from the European Commission following the implementation of the Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R) approach.Issued for a period of two years, before re-evaluation for definitive obtaining, this label rewards the approach to improving the recruitment and reception of researchers by CY Cergy Paris University as part of the human resources strategy of the establishment, in order to strengthen its attractiveness and international influence.

      An approach that places the researcher at the center of the system

      Since 2019, CY Cergy Paris University has been working to improve its human resources policy and is undertaking a plan for continuous improvement of the human resources strategy for researchers around 4 themes: recruitment, working conditions, ethical and professional aspects, and training.

      By engaging in this labeling process, the establishment, which brings together more than 600 researchers and nearly 600 doctoral students, is participating in the construction of the European research area, by implementing the recommendations of the Charter. European Union of Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment.

      Obtaining this label aims to increase the attractiveness and international visibility of the establishment, as well as eligibility for European calls for projects, and improving the conditions of recruitment and support of our researchers.

      • Cergy

        CY Cergy Paris Université 33 Bd du port Cergy Pontoise Cedex, 95011, Cergy

      CY Cergy Paris University - School of Law