PhD in Cell Biology and Pathology
Prague, Czech Republic
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
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CZK 150,000 / per year **
Blended, On-Campus
* applicants from non-EU/EEA countries are advised to apply by April 30th
** online application fee: 720 CZK
Cell Biology and Pathology is a field of biomedical science concerned with the build-up and functional characteristics of particular cells and their interaction in the construction of tissues and organs. The content matter of the study is, above all, the cell itself at various levels of its functional organization, also concerning the interconnection of structural-functional levels that maintain the cell as the basic structural and functional unit of multicellular organisms including the human.
According to article 3, paragraph 1, second sentence of the Code of Admission Procedure of Charles University, this program of study is offered without specialization.
Program Outcome
The goal of the studies in the study program Cell Biology and Pathology is to train the student for independent scientific research work aimed at understanding dynamics, mutual connections, and functional-structural characteristics of cells and tissues under normal – physiological conditions and in pathologic processes as well as in their modeling.
Career Opportunities
The graduate is familiar with basic cell biology and pathology, special characteristics of various cell and tissue types both in physiological situation as well as in disease. The graduate is acquainted with current research topics and experimental approaches especially in the following areas: cellular basis of cancerogenesis, tissue and cellular processes in inflammation, changes of cells and tissues during metabolic diseases; tissue repair and regeneration; wound healing; cell and tissue replacement; stem cell biology. The graduate knows and is able to perform various methods for cell and tissue examination, knows how to finance the scientific project using grants. The graduate mastered presentation skills and is able to communicate in English both in the oral as well as in the written form.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.