Ph.D. in Translation Studies
Prague, Czech Republic
4 Years
Full time
31 Mar 2025*
Oct 2025
CZK 25,000 / per year **
* Applications can only be submitted between December and March 31. The application must be submitted only electronically via the Charles University information system: https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/prijimacky/index.php?do=obory&fakulta=11210&fst=&druh=D&stupr=&obor1=&iscedkod=&jazyk=ENG
** The application fee is paid separately. The exact amount of the application fee for the current academic year can be found here: https://www.ff.cuni.cz/home/applicants/phd-programmes/application-and-admission/#fee
We are delighted with your interest in studying at the Faculty of Arts.
On this page, you will find all the available information about the study programme.
If you are really interested in studying, please read the information below before sending us a question. Don't forget to click through all the headlines below as well. Here you will find not only detailed information on the admission requirements but also the curriculum and much more.
The language of instruction is English.
For all information about the study programme and admission procedure conditions see THIS PAGE.
Applications can only be submitted:
- between December 1 and March 31
- electronically using the form provided HERE
Description of the admission process:
- Contact a dissertation consultant (you can find a list of consultants according to your chosen study programme HERE) and send him/her your dissertation proposal for review.
- Submit your application for study via THE ONLINE FORM
- Applications can only be submitted from December 1 until March 31!
- In late April/early May, you will receive an Invitation to the entrance examination via the same system in which you applied.
- At a specified time in May, you will take an entrance exam. The entrance exam is oral and takes place in person in Prague.
- The maximum number of points you can score on the exam is 60. If you have a total of 30 points or more, you have a chance to be admitted – but you need to be within the expected admission number for the programme.
- In May or July, the admission procedure is evaluated, and the information about its result is sent to all applicants.
- Candidates who are successful in the admission procedure are subject to NOSTRIFICATION. This means that they must provide evidence of their previous Master's degree according to the conditions listed HERE.
- Those who have properly documented their previous education and language skills may attend the enrolment in the study, which usualy takes place from August to September.
This Plan is obligatory for students enrolled in 2014/15. Students enrolled in 2011/12 and 2013/14 must accomplish items under sections 3-5,while sections 1-2 relate to their individual plan approved at the date of enrollment.
Individual study requirements are set in bold. Unless stated otherwise, the examination takes the form of course credit.
Progress on the dissertation will be monitored in accordance with the student’s ISP and completion of the following requirements:
1) Doctoral Seminar(AXTRDOS04-07)
Attendance and participation is compulsory for 1 semester (1st – 3rd year).
· The student is required to attend and participate in the Doctoral Seminar for the entire duration of their studies.
· As part of the seminar, the student must present the results of the scholarship and research they have gathered from research visits, conferences and seminars held in the Czech Republic and abroad, as well as discoveries uncovered in the course of writing their dissertation.
· The student may be excused from the seminar in the event that they are away on research visits; however, they will not be excused from presenting.
· Term: Each year of their studies, the student will be automatically notified of their obligations within the Doctoral Seminar.
2) Annotated Bibliography of PhD Thesis (AXTRDIS02)
· The student must submit an overview of the latest scholarship on their dissertation topic, as well as commenting on the individual sources. The minimum length is 10 standard pages (18,000 characters including spaces). The student will present this research within the Doctoral Seminar.
· Term: 1st year of studies
3) Submission of Partially-Elaborated PhD Thesis(AXTRDIS03)
· Minimum Length: 25 standard pages (45,000 characters including spaces)
· The text must define the theoretical scope of the dissertation.
· The text must be submitted prior to a presentation for the Doctoral Seminar.
· Term: 2nd year of studies
4) Chapter of PhD Thesis(AXTRDIS04)
· Minimum Length: 30 standard pages (54,000 characters including spaces). The student presents their results within the Doctoral Seminar.
· Term: 2nd year, and each following year, of studies
B.Basic study requirements
Requirements mandatory for all students of the PhD programme
5) Foreign Language
· After consulting the supervisor regarding this requirement, students will choose to sit an exam in one of the following languages: English (AXJAZ0001), German (AXJAZ0005), French (AXJAZ0002), Spanish (AXJAZ0007), or Russian (AXJAZ0006). If the student has a degree in English, German, French, Spanish, or Russian philology, a foreign language exam is not required.
· Term: 1st or 2nd year of study, as agreed upon with the supervisor
6) Theoretical and Methodological Seminar I-II (exam) (AXTRTMS02-03)
· The seminar takes place triweekly and focuses on the diverse methodologies within contemporary translation studies, the development of the field, and the relevance that translation and interpretation studies holds for the broader humanities and social sciences.
· Term: 1st – 2nd year of study
7) Philosophy (AXOBEC002)
· The philosophy exam consists of an essay written on a philosophical theme related to the dissertation project.
· Term: 1st – 2nd year of study, as agreed upon with the supervisor
Departmental Study Program – Group Component
8) Translation and Interpreting Theory: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives(AXTRSPE05)
· The subject reflects the nature of translation studies as an integrated scientific discipline that includes theoretical, descriptive, and applied components. It also emphasizes the strong connection the discipline has to the culture of its target language. Connections are drawn between functional foreign concepts and internationally respected Czech (and Slovak) translation theories and discoveries.
· Term: 2nd – 3rd year of study
Departmental Study Program – Individual Component
9) Individual Study Requirements(AXTRSPE... various codes per selected seminars)
· The supervisor sets one additional exam to test the student’s knowledge in a field related to the theme of the dissertation.
- · Term: 1st – 3rd year of study
10) Publications in Professional Media (AXTROAK09)
· Preparation and publication of original scholarship on translation in appropriate platforms (journals with peer review / impact factor, chapters in scholarly collections); students can also fulfill this requirement by publishing translations of scholarship that relates to their dissertation, e.g., texts from the fields of translation studies, linguistics, literary criticism, and art history.
· Term: Unspecified
11) Additional Publication and Research Activity (AXTROAK10)
· Support of scholarship – doctoral students must participate in each of the following the activities:
o Editorial work – editing for professional publications
o Help in organizing international scholarly events
o Academic instruction, preparation and creation of a new course
o Presenting at conferences
· Term: Unspecified
Professional activity beyond the scope of what is described above is welcome; if the work relates to their dissertation topic, the student will report it as part of their standard yearly evaluation.
12) Research Visits Abroad (AXTROAK11)
· The standard length of a research visit is one month, although it can be divided into shorter stays. The research visit does not have to be a formal academic stay at an academic institution; research in the field, libraries, archives, and such are also acceptable.
· The term of completion is not specified since it often depends on unpredictable factors, such as scholarship offers. It can be completed after passing the SDZK exam; however, its completion is a prerequisite to defending the dissertation.
· If a research visit is no possible due to serious external factors (childcare, etc.), a student can apply for permission from the dean to substitute additional professional activities for the research visit abroad (e.g., presenting at a foreign conference, editorial work, scholarly translations, academic instruction, publishing scholarship).
13)final state exam (ASDZK0001)
· 3rd year of study
· Completion of ALL study requirements from the Basic Study Requirements section of the plan is prerequisite for submitting an application for the Final Exam.
14)Thesis defence (AX0007305)
· Completion of ALL study requirements prescribed in the Individual Study Plan is prerequisite for submitting the application for the defence.
Standard duration of study: 4 years
The template of the ISP is created in SIS by the Research Office (“Oddělení vědy”), assigning automatically to every doctoral student all of the requirements common to all of the students of the PhD programme – i.e. the requirements in the framework above, with their respective codes. As soon as this basic ISP is created, the student – having consulted the supervisor – needs to add in SIS:
1. Foreign Language selection in SIS from the languages associated with the respective study plan.
2. Individual Study Requirements as specified above. These requirements may be added either by choosing an already existing course, or (if such the course does not exist in SIS yet), by entering the so-called “course description” (“popis předmětu”), which describes the given requirement, and will be paired with a concrete course in the SIS later.
3. Year of completion: for all requirements in the plan above without a designated year of completion.
Scholarships and Funding
Full-time doctoral students will receive a scholarship, which is usually supplemented by other sources of income, e.g. awards for participation in grant projects or remuneration for teaching undergraduates.
For information on governmental scholarships, please visit the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (https://www.msmt.cz/eu-and-international-affairs/scholarships). Further, you may consult the following website: https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/scholarships.
Other Ph.D. scholarships can be found at: https://www.cuni.cz/UKEN-72.html and http://www.cuni.cz/UKEN-68.html
Career Opportunities
Graduates have a sound grounding in research methods in the humanities, particularly in the study of relationships between languages/cultures; knowledge of information sources and the ability to assess their relevance to the pair of languages/cultures of their choice; a thorough grounding in the theoretical concepts of translation and interpreting and the ability to apply them to the analysis of the translation/interpreting market and procedures. They are equipped to produce and edit extensive scientific texts and to evaluate the quality of writings in translation and interpreting studies. They are capable of theoretical reflection on particular products/situations related to translation studies within their linguistic, cultural, historical, and social contexts, and are able to present their findings to the academic communities.