PhD Germanoslavistika
Prague, Czech Republic
3 Years
Full time
31 Mar 2025
Oct 2025
CZK 1,000 / per year *
* The registration fee is paid separately. The exact amount of the registration fee for the current academic year can be found here: https://www.ff.cuni.cz/home/applicants/phd-programmes/application-and-admission/#fee
Key Summary
The language of instruction is Russian. The course of study in the specialty "Germanoslavistics" is fee-based, the cost of tuition is 1,000 CZK per year.
Admission exam: two rounds
Content, subject of the entrance examination:
First part
1. Evaluation of the dissertation project (max. 30 points)
Criteria for evaluation:
An accessible and clearly formulated project that meets the criteria of the specialty, with minor shortcomings: 23-30 points
An accessible and clearly formulated project that meets the criteria of the specialty, has some shortcomings, but is in an acceptable form: 15-22 points
A weak and unconvincing project, the chances of successful completion of the project are only hypothetical: 7-14 points
Unsatisfactory project, without any orientation in the problematic: 0-6 points
All applicants who scored at least 15 points in the first part are invited to the oral part of the exam.
Second (oral) part (max. 30 points)
1. Discussion on the specialty of the proposed dissertation project: 0-15 points
2. Evaluation of the achieved professional level and level of education of the applicant: 0-5 points
3. Knowledge of literature in the specialty: 0-10 points
Exam requirements:
Program accredited in Russian
Proficiency in Russian is required at level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), that is, the applicant must know the Russian language so that he can read scientific literature in his specialty and attend linguistic and literary lectures and participate in discussions. Entrance examinations are held in Russian. An integral part of the assessment of all parts of the entrance exam is the assessment of the oral response of the applicant. Studying at a partner university also requires English language proficiency at a level of at least B2, so one part of the oral exam will be conducted in English at the applicant's choice.
Recommended topics for dissertation projects:
·Higher levels of the language system of Germanic and Slavic languages (functional morphology, syntax, text syntax, text linguistics, stylistics, lexicology, pragmatics) from a theoretical or practical point of view
·Historical development of Germanic and Slavic languages
·Theory of Literature
·History of literature with a focus on Germanic and Slavic areas
·Cultural history with a focus on Germanic and Slavic regions
·Comparative studies
The applicant discusses the selected topic in advance with the chairman of the dissertation council.
Chairman of the Dissertation Council: doc. Mgr. Libuše Heczková, Ph.D. Contact: libuse.heczkova@ff.cuni.cz
Website and additional information: germanoslavistika.ff.cuni.cz